
Prometeia Talks 2021

Meetings and Initiatives

Prometeia Talks 2021

The Department of Economics is pleased to announce the second edition of this new cycle of seminars

Innovation and Research

New interdisciplinary journal "Cambridge Elements in Law, Economics and Politics"

A new editorial initiative by professor of Political Economy Carmine Guerriero in collaboration with Cambridge University Press

Awards and Recognitions

Federico Lenzi (LMEC graduate) won the "Bonaldo Stringher" scholarship issued by Banca d'Italia

The scholarship funds advanced studies abroad in the field of Political Economy.

Awards and Recognitions

Martino Kuntze (EPELM graduate) and Andrea Salvanti (LMEC graduate) won the two "Giorgio Mortara" scholarships issued by Banca d'Italia

Matilde Faralli (LMEC graduate) was mentioned as "particularly meritorious"

Awards and Recognitions

Department’s research fellow Tommaso Sonno is one of the winners of the "11th Modigliani Research Grant", Unicredit Foundation

Title of his research project: "Africa's territory is for sale - Multinational corporations, land grabbing, and violence: how a pandemic fosters abusive behaviours in the ancient continent"

First and Second cycle degree programmes a.y. 2021/22

Consult the complete list of first and second cycle degree programmes offered by the Department and make your choice.

"Introduzione all'Economia", il mini corso di economia destinato agli studenti delle scuole superiori

Meetings and Initiatives

"Introduzione all'Economia", il mini corso di economia destinato agli studenti delle scuole superiori

Al via da lunedì 15 gennaio l'Edizione 2021, strutturata in 10 videolezioni che verranno pubblicate con cadenza settimanale sul canale YouTube del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche.

Meetings and Initiatives

PhD welcome day - The University of Bologna is delighted to welcome the incoming PhD students

The first PhD Welcome Day will be held on 4 December. The event is designed to give to the incoming PhD students a warm welcome into the University community.

Meetings and Initiatives

"Alma Mater con l’Africa – progetti e partnership per l’innovazione e lo sviluppo sostenibile"

27 NOVEMBRE 2020 H 18.00 - 20.30 Evento online nell’ambito della Notte Europea Dei Ricercatori 2020

Meetings and Initiatives

Pandemia e cambiamenti: un doppio appuntamento tra scienza e società

Un laboratorio per ragazzi e una tavola rotonda animeranno la giornata di "Changes", promossa da CUBO Unipol in collaborazione con l’Università di Bologna per riflettere sull’emergenza sanitaria

Meet your future at the University of Bologna


Meet your future at the University of Bologna

Find the right programme for you at the Department of Economics

Meetings and Initiatives

Prometeia Talks 2020

The Department of Economics is pleased to announce the second edition of this new cycle of seminars from 24 March 2020 at 00:00 to 14 May 2020 at 17:00