Teaching innovation and students awards

Second cycle graduation award in memory of Pierpaolo Giannoccolo

The Department of Economics annually awards a master's degree award in memory of Pierpaolo Giannoccolo, a professor who died prematurely in 2018. The award is reserved for graduates from master's degree programs active at the Forlì Campus, where Pierpaolo worked.

The master's degree theses cover one of the following disciplines: political economy, economic policy, public economics, history of economic thought, econometrics, applied economics, economic history.

List of students who won the award in previous years and title of the thesis (in parentheses the degree program of origin and the last known job):

2023: Davide Manganiello, Sometimes they say “no”, but who’s listening? (LM in International Politics and Economics, Classe LM-56 Scienze Dell'Economia; 24ORE Business School, Master in Banking, Fintech, and Sustainable Finance ). 

2022: Alice Foschini, The deterrence of crime: An analysis of the empirical literature (LM in Economics and Commerce; Ernst & Young Audit staff, Bologna)

2021: Letizia Prosperi, Sales contracts in the 2020 Chinese Civil Code (LM in International Politics and Markets; General Electric Human Resources Operations specialist, Budapest)

2020: Mircea Alexandru Tanasie, The impact of taxation on growth: A quantitative analysis on a panel data of 24 OECD countries (LM in International and Diplomatic Sciences, curriculum in International Politics and Markets; Strategy Consultant in Financial Services Transformation at Deloitte Switzerland)

2019: Lorenzo Crippa, The determinants of State compliance with the OECD antibribery convention. An empirical study (LM in International and Diplomatic Sciences, curriculum in International Politics and Markets; Postdoctoral Research Associate in the School of Government and Public Policy at the University of Strathclyde)

"Gianpaolo Rossini" Award

The "Gianpaolo Rossini Award" is a joint initiative of the Departments of Economics and of the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna. Its aim is to commemorate Gianpaolo Rossini, professor of Economic Policy and distinguished member of the Alma Mater Studiorum community. 

Gianpaolo Rossini, who passed away in 2020, was a longstanding member of the Department of Economics, teaching for over two decades at the Forlì branch of the University of Bologna in the fields of economics. He initially taught at the Faculty of Political Sciences "Roberto Ruffilli" and later at the Department of Political and Social Sciences. 

In addition to his scientific contributions, particularly in the areas of industrial economics and international economics, and his frequent involvement in the policy debate, the Rossini Award aims to honor Gianpaolo's relentless dedication to the students of the Forlì branch of the Alma Mater. 

The award is annually granted to the student who achieves the highest score in the general merit rankings for admission to the courses of International and Diplomatic Sciences (LM) and International Politics and Economics (LM). For the 2022 cohort, the award was assigned to Chiara Bardi (SID) and Riccardo Baioni (IPE). 

Minor - Interdisciplinary programmes to enrich your curriculum

Minors are optional interdisciplinary programmes, separate from degree programmes, that allow you to acquire skills useful for your future studies and to enter the world of work.

The programmes are centred around topical subjects addressed with an interdisciplinary approach and by combining traditional learning activities with new innovative methods, alternating lessons and seminars, multimedia materials and group projects.

For the academic year 2021/2022 our Department has participated to “The challenge of climate change” and “Learning from data”.

To find out more about the study topics and access requirements, see all the details on the Univerisity Portal.