Innovation and Research
The DSE has been selected to participate in the Econometric Game 2024
The participating universities are required to send delegations of four students. The Unibo-Team will be coached by Silvia Sarpietro and will be composed of two LM(EC)2 students and two PhD students.
n. 1 Borsa di Studio rivolta a Laureati in Scienze Economiche o Statistiche finalizzata a specifico progetto da svolgersi presso la SS Supporto amministrativo-contabile alle attività di ricerca, Direzione Scientifica dell’IRCCS
Deadline: September 9th, 2023

Awards and Recognitions
Vincitori premi di studio AIBA 2023
I premi sono stati assegnati a Mattia Banin, iscritto al 1° anno della LM in Economics (LMEC) e a Filippo Petrini, iscritto al 1° anno della LM in International Management (LMIM).
Awards and Recognitions
Call for application for the "Pierpaolo Giannoccolo" degree award
Deadline: May 15th, 2023 - 12 pm

Innovation and Research
DSE Newsletter vol. 22
January-February 2023
Meetings and Initiatives
Call for applications for the "Carmine Candolfo" scholarship
The scholarship is addressed to students with particular conditions of income and merit enrolled in the 3rd year of "Economics and Finance" and "Economia, Mercati e Istituzioni" degrees in a.y. 22/23.