
Innovation and Research

Bando per l'assegnazione di n.3 borse di studio per trascorrere un semestre di studio presso università Jindal Global University Sonipat - Haryana – India

Possono presentare domanda gli studenti iscritti al primo e secondo anno di corso dei cds EMI, CLEF e EPOS. Scadenza: 19 marzo 2025 ore 13:00.

Irene Boni, che si è laureata in Economia Politica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche dell'Università di Bologna, è stata insignita della Medaglia Accursio

Innovation and Research

Irene Boni, che si è laureata in Economia Politica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche dell'Università di Bologna, è stata insignita della Medaglia Accursio

Irene Boni è tra gli Alumni premiati nel 2024 per aver contribuito, con il loro impegno e la loro visione, a creare impatto sulla società e a tenere alto il prestigio della nostra Università nel mondo

Inchieste da Fermo - "La sfida Harris-Trump" - Episode of October 2nd, 2024

Innovation and Research

Inchieste da Fermo - "La sfida Harris-Trump" - Episode of October 2nd, 2024

The episode features the participation of some of some recently graduated students from the Department of Economics and Bologna Business School.

la Repubblica

Innovation and Research

Nasce il nuovo "Centro nazionale di competenza italiano per l'innovazione sociale"

L'Alma Mater Studiorum è tra i soci fondatori, insieme a Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Milano, Eurisce e la Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

Inchieste da Fermo - "L'altra America di Trump" - Episode of March 13th, 2024

Innovation and Research

Inchieste da Fermo - "L'altra America di Trump" - Episode of March 13th, 2024

Tonight, March 13th 2024, the episode of "Inchieste da Fermo" entitled "L'altra America di Trump", aired on @La7tv at 9.15 pm, will feature the participation of some of our degrees students.

Innovation and Research

The DSE has been selected to participate in the Econometric Game 2024

The participating universities are required to send delegations of four students. The Unibo-Team will be coached by Silvia Sarpietro and will be composed of two LM(EC)2 students and two PhD students.

DSE Newsletter vol. 22

Innovation and Research

DSE Newsletter vol. 22

January-February 2023

Department's Annual Research Newsletter 2021

Innovation and Research

Department's Annual Research Newsletter 2021

The fourth issue of Department's Annual Research Newsletter is out now!

PhD Welcome Day - The University of Bologna is delighted to welcome the incoming PhD students

Innovation and Research

PhD Welcome Day - The University of Bologna is delighted to welcome the incoming PhD students

The second edition of the PhD Welcome Day will be held on Friday 28 January at 1:30 p.m. The event is designed to give to the incoming PhD students a warm welcome into the University community.

Innovation and Research

Call for proposals – Digital Cultural Heritage: Mobilities, Mutuality and Heritage Futures

Call for proposals for the next Una Europa PhD Workshop to be held from 30 May to 1 June 2022 in Edinburgh and Helsinki. The call is open to PhD students. Deadline: January 31st

Innovation and Research

3-Minute-Thesis Competition - Unibo edition 2022

3MT is an academic competition that challenges PhD students to describe their research to a general audience in English in less than three minutes. Deadline for Expression of Interest: 10 January 2022

The new Instagram channel dedicated to divulging the research and culture of the University of Bologna

Innovation and Research

The new Instagram channel dedicated to divulging the research and culture of the University of Bologna

Uniboper is the new Instagram profile of Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna where research and culture are made accessible to the young generations, schools, and the wider community.