
Innovation and Research
Department's Annual Research Newsletter 2021
The fourth issue of Department's Annual Research Newsletter is out now!
Awards and Recognitions
“GRINS” extended partnership program has been admitted to phase 2 by PNRR
The program “Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable”, coordinated and led by the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna, has been admitted to phase 2 by PNRR – NextGenerationEU.
Call for applications for n. 18 study grants for first-year students at risk, from NON-EU and NON-OECD Countries
DEADLINE October 31st, 2022, h. 12.00 pm (CET Time Zone)
Elections for the student representatives 2022
On 17, 18 and 19 May, elections were held for student representatives on the University bodies and the National Council of University Students (CNSU). Unofficial results and affluences are available.
DSE Newsletter March-April 2022
The 19th edition of the bi-monthly Department's newsletter is now online!
Meetings and Initiatives
War in Ukraine: its Implications on Energy and Mineral Resources
Take part in the online event on Teams on 18 March at 17:30 (the event is held in Italian).
Elections for the student representatives of the University bodies and the National Council of University Students (CNSU)
The elections will be held on 17, 18 and 19 May 2022. Read the announcement and further information.
Awards and Recognitions
Call for applications for the "Carmine Candolfo" scholarship
The scholarship is addressed to students with particular conditions of income and merit enrolled in the 3rd year of "Economics and Finance" and "Economia, Mercati e Istituzioni" degrees in a.y. 21/22.
First and Second cycle degree programmes a.y. 2022/23
Consult the complete list of first and second cycle degree programmes offered by the Department and make your choice.
Meetings and Initiatives
Open day Minor "Imparare dai dati" - January 19th, 2022 at 4pm
Presentazione del nuovo percorso di formazione MINOR proposto dai Dipartimenti di Scienze Aziendali, Scienze Economiche, Informatica-Scienza e Ingegneria e Scienze Statistiche dell'Alma Mater

Innovation and Research
PhD Welcome Day - The University of Bologna is delighted to welcome the incoming PhD students
The second edition of the PhD Welcome Day will be held on Friday 28 January at 1:30 p.m. The event is designed to give to the incoming PhD students a warm welcome into the University community.