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All publications since 2004
Camera, Gabriele; Corbae, Dean, Money and price dispersion, «INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2004, 40, pp. 985 - 1008 [Scientific article]
Camera, Gabriele*; Winkler, Johannes, International monetary trade and the law of one price, «JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS», 2004, 50, pp. 1531 - 1553 [Scientific article]
Camera, Gabriele*; Noussair, Charles; Tucker, Steven, Rate-of-return dominance and efficiency in an experimental economy, «ECONOMIC THEORY», 2004, 22, pp. 629 - 660 [Scientific article]
Argentesi, Elena, Demand Estimation for Italian Newspapers: The Impact of Weekly Supplements, in: 2004, Firenze, European University Institute, 2004, pp. 1 - 36 (EUI WORKING PAPERS ECO) [Chapter or essay]
Fella G; Manzini P; Mariotti M, Does divorce law matter?, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2004, 44, pp. 1473 - 1490 [Scientific article]
Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Marzio Galeotti, Andrea Mattozzi, Moving Skills from Hands to Heads: Does Importing Technology Affect export performance in Textiles?, «RESEARCH POLICY», 2004, 33, pp. 879 - 895 [Scientific article]
Calvet L.; Gonzalez-Eiras M.; Sodini P., Financial innovation, market participation, and asset prices, «JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS», 2004, 39, pp. 431 - 459 [Scientific article]
V. Denicolò; L. A. Franzoni, The contract theory of patents, «INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS», 2003, 23, pp. 365 - 380 [Scientific article]
Barone G; Bella M, Qualità dei consumi e crescita della spesa delle famiglie, «IL MULINO», 2003, 5, pp. 889 - 893 [Scientific article]
Bucci Alberto, Castellani Massimiliano, Figini Paolo, L'investimento in sponsorizzazione delle imprese: un'analisi economica in termini statici e dinamici, «RIVISTA DI POLITICA ECONOMICA», 2003, 93, pp. 183 - 223 [Scientific article]
Giacomello G.; Picci L., My scale or your meter? Evaluating methods of measuring the Internet, «INFORMATION ECONOMICS AND POLICY», 2003, 15, pp. 363 - 383 [Scientific article]
Burani N.; Zwicker W.S., Coalition formation games with separable preferences, «MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES», 2003, 45, pp. 27 - 52 [Scientific article]
R. Patuelli, S. Longhi, A. Reggiani, P. Nijkamp, Multicriteria Analysis of Neural Network Forecasting Models: An Application to German Regional Labour Markets, «CHIIKIGAKU KENKYŪ», 2003, 33, pp. 205 - 229 [Scientific article]
Costa M., The factor structure of financial markets: A simulation study of the Italian case, «APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2003, 10, pp. 83 - 86 [Scientific article]
Gardini A.; Cavaliere G.; Costa M., Fundamentals and asset price dynamics, «STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS», 2003, 12, pp. 211 - 226 [Scientific article]
Nobilio L.; Ugolini C., Selective referrals in a 'hub and spoke' institutional setting: The case of coronary angioplasty procedures, «HEALTH POLICY», 2003, 63, pp. 95 - 107 [Scientific article]
Nobilio L.; Ugolini C., Different regional organisational models and the quality of health care: The case of coronary artery bypass graft surgery, «JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH & POLICY», 2003, 8, pp. 25 - 32 [Scientific article]
Bontempi M.E., The dynamic specification of the modified pecking order theory: Its relevance to Italy, «EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS», 2002, 27, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]
Fanelli L.; Mazzocchi M., A cointegrated VECM demand system for meat in Italy, «APPLIED ECONOMICS», 2002, 34, pp. 1593 - 1605 [Scientific article]
Fanelli L., A new approach for estimating and testing the linear quadratic adjustment cost model under rational expectations and I(1) variables, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL», 2002, 26, pp. 117 - 139 [Scientific article]