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All publications since 2004
Gasperoni, Francesca; Luati, Alessandra; Paci, Lucia; D’Innocenzo, Enzo, Score Driven Modeling of Spatio-temporal Data, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION», 2023, 118, pp. 1066 - 1077 [Scientific article] Open Access
Alan Manning, Paolo Masella, The Dynamics of the Debate About Gay Rights: Evidence from US Newspapers, «JOURNAL OF LAW, ECONOMICS, & ORGANIZATION», 2023, 39, pp. 456 - 492 [Scientific article] Open Access
Barigozzi, Matteo; Luciani, Matteo, Measuring the Output Gap using Large Datasets, «THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2023, 105, pp. 1500 - 1514 [Scientific article] Open Access
Danzi L.; Figini P., The tourism economics of marginal and mature mountains. The case of the Regional Park of Corno alle Scale (Apennines), Italy, «CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM», 2023, 26, pp. 772 - 788 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cavaliere G.; Lu Y.; Rahbek A.; Staerk-Ostergaard J., Bootstrap inference for Hawkes and general point processes, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2023, 235, pp. 133 - 165 [Scientific article] Open Access
Matei Demetrescu, Iliyan Georgiev, Paulo Rodrigues, AM Robert Taylor, Extensions to IVX methods of inference for return predictability, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2023, 237, pp. 1 - 30 [Scientific article] Open Access
Michele Costa, Flavio Delbono, Francesco Linguiti, Cooperative Movement and Widespread Prosperity across Italian Regions, «ANNALS OF PUBLIC AND COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS», 2023, 94, pp. 475 - 494 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lorenzo Masiero, Richard Hrankai, Judit Zoltan, The role of intermodal transport on urban tourist mobility in peripheral areas of Hong Kong, «RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT», 2023, 48, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Campiglio, Emanuele; Daumas, Louis; Monnin, Pierre; von Jagow, Adrian, Climate‐related risks in financial assets, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS», 2023, 37, pp. 1 - 950 [Scientific article] Open Access
Luca De Angelis; J. James Reade, Home advantage and mispricing in indoor sports’ ghost games: the case of European basketball, «ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH», 2023, 325, pp. 391 - 418 [Scientific article] Open Access
Arsen Palestini; Giuseppe Pignataro, Inequality assessment in a dynamic framework with heterogenous agents, «ECONOMIA POLITICA», 2023, 40, pp. 469 - 494 [Scientific article] Open Access
Angelini G.; Caggiano G.; Castelnuovo E.; Fanelli L., Are Fiscal Multipliers Estimated with Proxy-SVARs Robust?*, «OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2023, 85, pp. 95 - 122 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mattozzi, Andrea; Nakaguma, Marcos Y, Public versus Secret Voting in Committees, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2023, 21, pp. 907 - 940 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cervellati, Matteo; Meyerheim, Gerrit; Sunde, Uwe, The empirics of economic growth over time and across nations: a unified growth perspective, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GROWTH», 2023, 28, pp. 173 - 224 [Scientific article] Open Access
Matteo Lippi Bruni; Cristina Ugolini; Rossella Verzulli; Anna Caterina Leucci, The impact of Community Health Centers on inappropriate use of emergency services, «HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2023, 32, pp. 375 - 394 [Scientific article] Open Access
Dari-Mattiacci, G; Fabbri, M, How Institutions Shape Morality, «THE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION», 2023, 39, pp. 160 - 198 [Scientific article] Open Access
Moti Michaeli, Marco Casari, Andrea Ichino, Maria De Paola, Ginevra Marandola, Vincenzo Scoppa, Civicness drain, «THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL», 2023, 133, pp. 323 - 354 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bellettini, Giorgio; Berti Ceroni, Carlotta; Cantoni, Enrico; Monfardini, Chiara; Schafer, Jerome Pablo, Modern Family? The Gendered Effects of Marriage and Childbearing on Voter Turnout, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE», 2023, 53, pp. 1016 - 1040 [Scientific article] Open Access
Barigozzi, F; Di Timoteo, C; Monfardini, C, The Gender Gaps in Time-Use Within Italian Households During 2002-2014, «ITALIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL», 2023, 9, pp. 1263 - 1296 [Scientific article] Open Access
Olena ivus; Alireza Naghavi; Larry Qiu, Migration and Imitation, «ECONOMICA», 2023, 90, pp. 212 - 239 [Scientific article]