All publications
All publications since 2004
Corrado Benassi;Alessandra Chirco;Marcella Scrimitore, Optimal manipulation rules in a mixed oligopoly, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS», 2014, 112, pp. 61 - 84 [Scientific article]
Mazzanti M.; Montini A., Waste management performances beyond the Italian North-South Divide: Spatial Analyses of Geographical, Economic and Institutional Dimensions, in: Handbook on waste management, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2014, pp. 256 - 284 [Chapter or essay]
Ragona, M.; Albertazzi, S.; Nicolli, F.; Mazzanti, M.; Montini, A.; Vitali, G.; Canavari, M., Alternative subsidy scenarios for different agricultural practices: A sustainability assessment using fuzzy multi-criteria analysis, in: Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2014 Third Congress, June 25-27, 2014, Alghero, Italy, 2014, pp. 1 - 9 (atti di: 3rd AIEAA Conference “Feeding the Planet and Greening Agriculture: Challenges and opportunities for the bio-economy”, Alghero, Italy, 25-27 giugno 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Nadia Burani; Francesca Barigozzi, Competition and Screening with Skilled and Motivated Workers, Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche - Università degli Studi di Bologna, 2014, pp. 43 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE). [Research monograph] Open Access
Lucio Picci, Actors and Strategies of the Bureaucratic Reputation Game, in: Organizational Reputation in the Public Sector, Londra, Routledge, 2014, pp. 37 - 53 [Chapter or essay]
Sara Lazzaroni;Peter A.G. van Bergeijk, Natural disasters' impact, factors of resilience and development: A meta-analysis of the macroeconomic literature, «ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS», 2014, 107, pp. 333 - 346 [Scientific article]
A. Mantovani, Industrial Policy in the European Union: an Overview, in: Jubilee10th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists: “The Economy of Bulgaria and European Union – Contemporary Challenges and Solution Approaches”, 2014, pp. 796 - 804 (atti di: Jubilee10th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists: “The Economy of Bulgaria and European Union – Contemporary Challenges and Solution Approaches”, Sofia, 13 Novembre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bellettini G.; Berti Ceroni C.; Monfardini C., Socio-Economic Heterogeneity and Electoral Turnout: An Aggregate Analysis with Precinct-Level Data, in: Cesifo Working Paper, Monaco di Baviera, Ifo Institute, 2014, pp. 2 - 26 (CESIFO WORKING PAPERS) [Chapter or essay]
Zoboli R.; Paleari S.; Marin G.; Mazzanti M.; Nicolli F.; Montini A.; Miceli V.; Speck S., Resource-efficient green economy and EU policies, Lussemburgo, Publications Office of the European Union, 2014, pp. 107 . [Research monograph]
Flavio, Delbono; Luca, Lambertini, Cartel size and collusive stability with non-capitalistic players, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2014, 125, pp. 156 - 159 [Scientific article]
G. Cavaliere; F. Xu, Testing for unit roots in bounded time series, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2014, 178, pp. 259 - 272 [Scientific article]
F. Albornoz; J. Esteban; P. Vanin, Market Distortions and Government Transparency, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2014, 12, pp. 200 - 222 [Scientific article]
G. Guerra; R. Patuelli, The Influence of Role Models on Immigrant Self-Employment: A Spatial Analysis for Switzerland, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER», 2014, 35, pp. 187 - 215 [Scientific article]
I. Ferrari; A. Zanardi, Decentralisation and interregional redistribution in the Italian education system, «EDUCATION ECONOMICS», 2014, 22, pp. 529 - 548 [Scientific article]
Paolo Li Donni; Vito Peragine; Giuseppe Pignataro, EX-ANTE AND EX-POST MEASUREMENT OF EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY IN HEALTH: A NORMATIVE DECOMPOSITION, «HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2014, 23, pp. 182 - 198 [Scientific article]
Giorgio Bellettini; Carlotta Berti Ceroni; Giovanni Prarolo, Knowing the Right Person in the Right Place: Political Connections and Resistance to Change, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2014, 12, pp. 641 - 671 [Scientific article]
M. Burker;G. A. Minerva, Civic capital and the size distribution of plants: short-run dynamics and long-run equilibrium, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY», 2014, 14, pp. 797 - 847 [Scientific article]
Luigi Marattin; Arsen Palestini, Government Spending Under Non Separability: A Theoretical Analysis, «INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS», 2014, 61, pp. 39 - 60 [Scientific article]
Luigi Marattin; Simone Salotti, Consumption Multipliers of Different Types of Public Spending : A Structural Vector Error Correction Analysis for the UK, «EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS», 2014, 46, pp. 1197 - 1220 [Scientific article]
Luigi Marattin; Paolo Paesani; Simone Salotti, Some Considerations on Debt and Interest Rates, in: Developments in Macro-Finance Yields Curve Modelling, Cambridge, . Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 504 - 534 [Chapter or essay]