All publications
All publications since 2004
Camera, G., A. Gioffrè, Cooperation in indefinitely repeated helping games: existence and characterization, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», in corso di stampa, n/a, pp. N/A - N/A [Scientific article]
Fabbri, Marco; Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe; Rizzolli, Matteo, Strangers’ property, «THE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION», in corso di stampa, on line first, pp. 1 - 43 [Scientific article]
Renato Gomes; Andrea Mantovani, Regulating Platform Fees under Price Parity, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», in corso di stampa, on line first, pp. 1 - 46 [Scientific article]
Achard, Pascal; Albrecht, Sabina; Ghidoni, Riccardo; Cettolin, Elena; Suetens, Sigrid, Local exposure to refugees changed attitudes to ethnic minorities in the Netherlands, «ECONOMIC JOURNAL», in corso di stampa, n/a, pp. 1 - 30 [Scientific article]
Lacetera, Nicola; Piga, Claudio A.; Zirulia, Lorenzo, Sticky price for declining risk? Business strategies with “behavioral” customers in the hotel industry, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT STRATEGY», 2025, NA, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article]
Guerra, Alice; Parisi, Francesco, Second, But Not Last: Competition with Positive Spillovers, «ASIAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS», 2024, 15, pp. 231 - 242 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ugolini C, La salute mentale nella prospettiva del welfare di comunità, «NUOVA SECONDARIA», 2024, 6, pp. 107 - 114 [Scientific article]
Broadberry S.; Korchmina E., Catching-Up and Falling Behind: Russian Economic Growth, 1690s-1880s, «THE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY», 2024, 84, pp. 997 - 1028 [Scientific article]
Barigozzi, Matteo; Cavaliere, Giuseppe; Trapani, Lorenzo, Inference in heavy-tailed non-stationary multivariate time series, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION», 2024, 119, pp. 565 - 581 [Scientific article] Open Access
franzoni luigi alberto, Efficient liability law when parties genuinely disagree, «THE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION», 2024, 40, pp. 416 - 433 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, Massimiliano; Mertens, Elmar, Addressing COVID-19 Outliers in BVARs with Stochastic Volatility, «THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2024, 106, pp. 1403 - 1417 [Scientific article]
Ballestra, Luca Vincenzo; D’Innocenzo, Enzo; Guizzardi, Andrea, Score-Driven Modeling with Jumps: An Application to S&P500 Returns and Options, «JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS», 2024, 22, pp. 375 - 406 [Scientific article] Open Access
Elias Carroni , Leonardo Madio , Shiva Shekhar, Superstar Exclusivity in Two-Sided Markets, «MANAGEMENT SCIENCE», 2024, 70, pp. 991 - 1011 [Scientific article] Open Access
Pignataro, Giuseppe; Raggi, Davide; Pancotto, Francesca, On the role of fundamentals, private signals, and beauty contests to predict exchange rates, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING», 2024, 40, pp. 687 - 705 [Scientific article] Open Access
Nicola Mastrorocco; Arianna Ornaghi;, Who Watches the Watchmen? Local News and Police Behaviour in the United States, «AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL. ECONOMIC POLICY», 2024, online, pp. 1 - 29 [Scientific article]
Nicola Mastrorocco; Ruben Durante; Luigi Minale; Jim Snyder, Unpacking Social Capital, «THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL», 2024, online, pp. 1 - 49 [Scientific article]
Angelini F.; Figini P.; Leoni V., High tide, low price? Flooding alerts and hotel prices in Venice, «TOURISM ECONOMICS», 2024, 30, pp. 876 - 899 [Scientific article] Open Access
Moramarco, Graziano, Financial-cycle ratios and medium-term predictions of GDP: Evidence from the United States, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING», 2024, 40, pp. 777 - 795 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cox, GW; Dincecco, M; Onorato, MG, Window of Opportunity: War and the Origins of Parliament, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE», 2024, 54, pp. 405 - 421 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bacchiega, E; Colucci, M; Denicolo, V; Magnani, M, Only the Ugly Face? A Theoretical Model of Brand Dilution, «MANAGEMENT SCIENCE», 2024, 70, pp. 3182 - 3199 [Scientific article] Open Access