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All publications since 2004
ANDERGASSEN R.; A. REGGIANI; P. NIJKAMP, Firm dynamics and self-organised criticality, in: H.L.F. DE GROOT; P. NIJKAMP; R.R. STOUGH, Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development, CHELTENHAM, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004, pp. 292 - 314 [Chapter or essay]
BELLETTINI G.; BERTI CERONI C., Compulsory schooling laws and the cure for child labour, «BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH», 2004, 56(3), pp. 227 - 239 [Scientific article]
BENASSI C.; A.CHIRCO, Income Distribution, Price Elasticity, and the 'Robinson Effect', «MANCHESTER SCHOOL», 2004, 72, pp. 591 - 600 [Scientific article]
Barigozzi, Francesca, Reimbursing Preventive Care, «GENEVA PAPERS ON RISK AND INSURANCE.THEORY», 2004, 29, pp. 165 - 186 [Scientific article]
Costa, Michele; Iezzi, Stefano, Technology spillover and regional convergence process: a statistical analysis of the Italian case, «STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS», 2004, 13, pp. 375 - 398 [Scientific article]
Cavaliere, Giuseppe, Testing stationarity under a permanent variance shift, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2004, 82, pp. 403 - 408 [Scientific article]
Cavaliere, Giuseppe, Unit root tests under time-varying variances, «ECONOMETRIC REVIEWS», 2004, 23, pp. 259 - 292 [Scientific article]
Fiorentini, Gianluca, Tutela del pluralismo, intervento pubblico nei servizi alla persona e alla comunità e il ruolo delle fondazioni di origine bancaria, «MERCATO CONCORRENZA REGOLE», 2004, 1, pp. 239 - 284 [Scientific article]
UGOLINI C.; NOBILIO L., Risk Adjustment for CABG surgery: an administrative approach versus Euroscore, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE», 2004, 16, pp. 157 - 164 [Scientific article]
Baffigi, A.; Golinelli, Roberto; Parigi, G., Bridge Models to Forecast the Euro Area GDP, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING», 2004, 20(3), pp. 447 - 460 [Scientific article]
GOLINELLI R.; PARIGI G., Consumer Sentiment and Economic Activity: a Cross Country Comparison, «JOURNAL OF BUSINESS CYCLE ANALYSIS AND MEASUREMENT», 2004, 1(2), pp. 147 - 170 [Scientific article]
Agliardi, Elettra; Agliardi, Rossella, Executive Compensation and incentives with hybrid options: a note, «FINANCE LETTERS», 2004, 2, pp. 48 - 54 [Scientific article]
LAMBERTINI L.; LOTTI F.; SANTARELLI E., Infra-Industry Spillovers and R&D Cooperation: Theory and Evidence, «ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY», 2004, 13, pp. 311 - 328 [Scientific article]
Cellini, Roberto; Lambertini, Luca, Private and Social Incentives Towards Investment in Product Differentiation, «INTERNATIONAL GAME THEORY REVIEW», 2004, 6, pp. 493 - 508 [Scientific article]
Albaek, S.; Lambertini, Luca, Price vs Quantity in Duopoly Supergames with Close Substitutes, «THE ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE», 2004, 38, pp. 567 - 577 [Scientific article]
LAMBERTINI L.; ORSINI R., Network Externality and the Coordination Problem, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS», 2004, 82, pp. 123 - 136 [Scientific article]
Cellini, Roberto; Lambertini, Luca, Dynamic Oligopoly with Sticky Prices: Closed-Loop, Feedback and Open-Loop Solutions, «JOURNAL OF DYNAMICAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMS», 2004, 10, pp. 303 - 314 [Scientific article]
Cellini, R.; Lambertini, Luca; Ottaviano, GIANMARCO IREO PAOLO, Welfare in a Differentiated Oligopoly with Free Entry: A Cautionary Note, «RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS», 2004, 58, pp. 125 - 133 [Scientific article]
LAMBERTINI L., Teoria dei giochi ed economia industriale: riflessioni con i piedi in due staffe, «ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE», 2004, 31, pp. 39 - 60 [Scientific article]
Lambertini, Luca, Process and Product R&D by a Multiproduct Monopolist: A Reply to Lin, «OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPERS», 2004, 56, pp. 745 - 749 [Scientific article]