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All publications since 2004
R. Brau; M. Lippi Bruni; A.M. Pinna, Public versus private demand for covering long-term care expenditures, «APPLIED ECONOMICS», 2010, 42, pp. 3651 - 3668 [Scientific article]
U.Cherubini;S.Romagnoli, The Dependence Structure of Running Maxima and Minima:Results and Option Pricing Applications, «MATHEMATICAL FINANCE», 2010, 20(1), pp. 35 - 58 [Scientific article]
A. Ichino; S. Becker; A. Bentolila; A. Fernandez, Youth Emancipation and Perceived Job Insecurity of Parents and Children, «JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS», 2010, 23, pp. 1047 - 1071 [Scientific article]
Miniaci R.; Monfardini C. ; Weber G., How does consumption change upon retirement?, «EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS», 2010, 38, pp. 257 - 280 [Scientific article]
A. Arachi; C. Ferrario; A. Zanardi, Regional redistribution and risk sharing in Italy: the role of different ties of government, «REGIONAL STUDIES», 2010, 44, pp. 55 - 69 [Scientific article]
G. Cavaliere; A.Rahbek; A.M.R. Taylor, Testing for co-integration in vector autoregressions with non-stationary volatility, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2010, 158, pp. 7 - 24 [Scientific article]
E. Argentesi; H. Lütkepohl; M. Motta, Acquisition of Information and Share Prices: An Empirical Investigation of Cognitive Dissonance, «GERMAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2010, 11, pp. 381 - 396 [Scientific article]
Massimo Fornasari, Storia dell’industrializzazione, storia dell’industria e storia d’Italia, «STORIA ECONOMICA», 2010, ANNO XI (2008) - n. 2-3, pp. 313 - 320 [Scientific article]
U. Cherubini; G. Della Lunga; S. Mulinacci; P. Rossi, Fourier Transform Methods in Finance, CHICHESTER, John Wiley & Sons, 2010, pp. 242 (Wiley Finance). [Research monograph]
G. Cavaliere; M. Costa, Common trends in financial markets, in: Price indexes in time and space, BERLIN, Springer Verlag, 2010, pp. 225 - 238 (Contributions to statistics) [Chapter or essay]
M. Costa; L. De Angelis, Sector price indexes in financial markets: methodological issues, in: Price indexes in time and space, BERLIN, Springer Verlag, 2010, pp. 249 - 264 (Contribution to statistics) [Chapter or essay]
M. E. Bontempi; R. Golinelli; G. Parigi, Why demand uncertainty curbs investment: Evidence from a panel of Italian manufacturing firms, «JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS», 2010, 32, pp. 218 - 238 [Scientific article]
P. Figini; G. Candela, Economia del turismo e delle destinazioni, MILANO, McGraw-Hill, 2010, pp. 508 . [Research monograph]
O. Ruf; G. Schwerdt; R. Winter-Ebmer; J. Zweimuller; A. Ichino, Does the color of the collar matter? Employment and earnings after a plant closure, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2010, 108, pp. 137 - 140 [Scientific article]
F. Bornhorst; O. Kirchkamp; K. Schlag; E. Winter; A. Ichino, Similarities and differences when building trust: the role of cultures, «EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS», 2010, 13 (3), pp. 260 - 283 [Scientific article]
P. Battilani, The Bel Paese and the transition to a service economy, «JOURNAL OF MODERN ITALIAN STUDIES», 2010, 15, pp. 21 - 40 [Scientific article]
Costa-Font J.; Fabbri D.; Gil J., Decomposing cross-country gaps in levels of obesity and overweight: does the social environment matter?, «SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE», 2010, 70, pp. 1185 - 1193 [Scientific article]
A.E. Scorcu, Turismo e crescita economica dell’Ogliastra, in: Ogliastra. Storia ed economia, NUORO, Zonza Editori, 2010, pp. 69 - 87 (Ogliastra. Storia e società) [Chapter or essay]
D. Dragone; L. Lambertini; A. Palestini, Dynamic Oligopoly with Capital Accumulation and Environmental Externality, in: Dynamic Systems, Economic Growth, and the Environment, HEIDELBERG, Springer, 2010, pp. 197 - 214 (DYNAMIC MODELING AND ECONOMETRICS IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE) [Chapter or essay]
A. Minniti, Product market competition, R&D composition and growth, «ECONOMIC MODELLING», 2010, 27, pp. 417 - 421 [Scientific article]