
12 Oct 2022


Research Seminar: Daniel J. Lewis (University College London)

Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting

Title: "Dynamic Identification Using System Projections and Instrumental Variables"

11 Oct 2022


Internal Seminar: Alireza Naghavi

Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting

Title: "Persian Qanats and the Cooperation Culture"

10 Oct 2022

Presentations and meetings

IDEE Meeting

Room 33 - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 (third floor)

Informal Discussions on Experimental Economics

6 Oct 2022


ITALI Research Seminar: Davide Castellani (University of Reading Henley Business School)

Rimini Campus - Complesso Alberti, Aula Alberti 7

Title: "Internal versus External Agglomeration Advantages in Investment Location Choice: The Role of International Connectivity of Global cities"

6 Oct 2022


WiP Seminar: Dariia Mykhailyshyna

Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting

Title: "How does temporary labor migration affect voting behavior and political polarization? Evidence from the USA"

5 Oct 2022


Internal Seminar: Umberto Cherubini

Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting

Title: "Climate Change, Time Deformation and the Term Structure"

3 Oct 2022


Research Seminar: Maria Santana Gallego (University of the Balearic Islands - UIB)

Aula Alberti 9, Campus Rimini + Microsoft Teams Meeting

Title: "Towards a Smaller World. The distance puzzle and international border for tourism"

1 Oct 2022

Presentations and meetings

Build what matters for your future today

Auditorium Biagi Sala Borsa, Biblioteca Salaborsa, Piazza del Nettuno, 3, 40121 Bologna BO

Opening event of the fifth edition of the Financial Education Month (# OttobreEdufin2022)

1 Oct 2022

Presentations and meetings

Solo un MinUTo!

Cappella Farnese, Piazza Maggiore, 6 - Bologna

Public event

30 Sep 2022

Presentations and meetings

EduFin and University of Bologna: financial education for all

Aule C e D Plesso Belmeloro, via Andreatta 8, Bologna

Public event

29 Sep 2022


ITALI Research Seminar: Charl de Villiers (University of Auckland)

Rimini Campus - Complesso Alberti, Aula Alberti 7

Title: "How Accountants Try to Save the World"

29 Sep 2022


WiP Seminar: Alessio Carrozzo Magli

Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting

Title: Make war to make peace: Organized crime, confiscation and violence