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PhD in Economics
The call for application to the 41st cycle is open! Deadline for applications: April 3rd, 2025

PhD in Public Governance, Management and Policy (GoMaP)
The call for application to the 41st cycle is open! Deadline for applications: April 3rd, 2025

The Department of Economics of the oldest university in the western world is one of the largest in Europe and it offers excellent research and teaching.

Our research helps to understand and address fundamental problems such as poverty, inequality, development, employment, climate and technological change, immigration, health and many others.

Our Department offers the best public university education in economics in Italy. Its educational offer includes: 4 three-year degrees, 6 two-year masters; 3 professional masters and 2 doctorates.

Department and society
Our Department actively spreads its research findings among the civil society, orients high school students and contributes to the debate on Italian and international economic policy.

Our Department operates in three branches: Bologna, Forlì and Rimini.

The University of Bologna for peace
The University of Bologna conducts its academic activities following and promoting peace and dialogue.

Research areas
A journey through the areas, projects and research groups where new knowledge is born and developed. Discover the research and scientific innovation activities of the department’s researchers.
Innovation and Research
Bando per l'assegnazione di n.3 borse di studio per trascorrere un semestre di studio presso università Jindal Global University Sonipat - Haryana – India
Possono presentare domanda gli studenti iscritti al primo e secondo anno di corso dei cds EMI, CLEF e EPOS. Scadenza: 19 marzo 2025 ore 13:00.

Meetings and Initiatives
Call for applications for the "Carmine Candolfo" scholarship
Scholarship addressed to students with particular conditions of income and merit enrolled in the 3rd year of "Economics and Finance" and "Economia, Mercati e Istituzioni" degrees in a.y. 2024/25.

Innovation and Research
Irene Boni, che si è laureata in Economia Politica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche dell'Università di Bologna, è stata insignita della Medaglia Accursio
Irene Boni è tra gli Alumni premiati nel 2024 per aver contribuito, con il loro impegno e la loro visione, a creare impatto sulla società e a tenere alto il prestigio della nostra Università nel mondo

Innovation and Research
Inchieste da Fermo - "La sfida Harris-Trump" - Episode of October 2nd, 2024
The episode features the participation of some of some recently graduated students from the Department of Economics and Bologna Business School.
Research Seminar: Toru Kitagawa (Brown University)
Auditorium - Piazza Scaravilli, 1 + Micrososft Teams Meeting
Internal Seminar: Edoardo Zanelli
Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting
Presentations and meetings
Panel: Meet the Editor
Aula 1 - Piazza Scaravilli, 2
Macro Economics Field Seminar: Alexander Monge-Naranjo (EUI)
Room 22 - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting
Presentations and meetings
Presentation of the book by Guido Candela and Antonello E. Scorcu “Economia delle arti”, Zanichelli, 2025
Seminar room of the Library of Economic & Business disciplines "Walter Bigiavi"- Via delle Belle Arti 33, 40126 Bologna
Research Seminar: Matthias Doepke (LSE)
Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting
LMEPP Public Policy Seminar: Guglielmo Briscese (Chicago)
Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting
Field Seminar: Elisa Giannone
Auditorium - Piazza Scaravilli, 1 + Microsoft Teams Meeting
60% international PhD students
7 international degrees
92 faculty