Department governing bodies


The Head of Department is a professor elected by the Board of Department according to the regulations in force. Since 2015, the Head of the Department is Carlotta Berti Ceroni.

Department Committee

The Council of Department assists the Head of Department in his duties and takes decisions on specific subjects as delegated by the Board.

Department Board

The Board of Department includes the full, associate, and assistant professors of the Department, as well as representatives of the research fellows, doctoral and undergraduate students, and of the administrative and staff.

Faculty-student Joint Committee 

The Joint Committee has the task of monitoring, with specific evaluation indicators, the training offer, the quality of teaching and student service activities; formulates opinions on the institution, activation, modification and suppression of the training offer; may make proposals to the Department Council on matters relating to teaching and the allocation of financial resources. The Commission draws up an annual report and has other tasks set out in the University reference regulations.

Bologna Process Beyond 2020 - Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio - Piazza Galvani 1 - Bologna - 24 giugno 2019
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