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All publications since 2004
Picci, Lucio; Savorelli, Luca, The ‘inventor balance’ and the functional specialization in global inventive activities, «ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY», 2018, 27, pp. 39 - 61 [Scientific article]
Carriero A; Todd Clark; Massimiliano Marcellino, Measuring uncertainty and its impact on the economy, «THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2018, 100, pp. 799 - 815 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cavaliere, Giuseppe; De Angelis, Luca; Rahbek, Anders; Taylor, A.M.Robert, Determining the cointegration rank in heteroskedastic VAR models of unknown order, «ECONOMETRIC THEORY», 2018, 34, pp. 349 - 382 [Scientific article] Open Access
Castellani, Massimiliano; Pattitoni, Pierpaolo; Scorcu, ANTONELLO EUGENIO, On the relationship between reserve prices and low estimates in art auctions, «JOURNAL OF CULTURAL ECONOMICS», 2018, 42, pp. 45 - 56 [Scientific article]
Fabio Bacchini; Maria Elena Bontempi; Roberto Golinelli; Cecilia Jona-Lasinio, Short- and long-run heterogeneous investment dynamics, «EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS», 2018, 54, pp. 343 - 378 [Scientific article] Open Access
Giuseppe, Cavaliere; Iliyan, Georgiev; A. M. Robert, Taylor, UNIT ROOT INFERENCE FOR NON-STATIONARY LINEAR PROCESSES DRIVEN BY INFINITE VARIANCE INNOVATIONS, «ECONOMETRIC THEORY», 2018, 34, pp. 302 - 348 [Scientific article] Open Access
Scorcu, ANTONELLO EUGENIO; Zanola, Roberto, The drowned and the saved: the determinants of success in the Italian temporary art and cultural exhibitions market, «JOURNAL OF CULTURAL ECONOMICS», 2018, 42, pp. 201 - 211 [Scientific article]
Giuseppe Cavaliere; Luca De Angelis; Luca Fanelli, Co-integration rank determination in partial systems using information criteria, «OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2018, 80, pp. 65 - 89 [Scientific article] Open Access
Nicola De Luigi; Dino Gibertoni; Emanuela Randon; Antonello E. Scorcu, Patterns of Gambling Activities and Gambling Problems Among Italian High School Students: Results from a Latent Class Analysis, «JOURNAL OF GAMBLING STUDIES», 2018, 34, pp. 339 - 359 [Scientific article] Open Access
Emanuela, Carbonara; Enrico, Santarelli; Martin, Obschonka; Hienthu, Tran; Jeff, Potter; Gosling, Samuel D., Agency culture, constitutional provisions and entrepreneurship: a cross-country analysis, «INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE», 2018, 27, pp. 507 - 524 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lucio, Picci, The Supply-Side of International Corruption: A New Measure and a Critique, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL ON CRIMINAL POLICY AND RESEARCH», 2018, 99, pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article] Open Access
Camera, Gabriele; Casari, Marco, Monitoring institutions in indefinitely repeated games, «EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS», 2018, 21, pp. 673 - 691 [Scientific article] Open Access
Giacomo, Calzolari; Andrea, Ichino; Francesco, Manaresi; Viki, Nellas, Inelastic Buyers and Competition, «THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL», 2018, 128, pp. 2843 - 2875 [Scientific article]
Flavio, Delbono; Luca, Lambertini, Folk Theorems for a Class of Additively Separable Games, «MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES», 2018, 92, pp. 10 - 15 [Scientific article]
Elettra, Agliardi; Elena, Cattani; Annarita, Ferrante, Deep energy renovation strategies: A real option approach for add-ons in a social housing case study, «ENERGY AND BUILDINGS», 2018, 161, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
Jakob, B. Madsen; Minniti, Antonio; Venturini, Francesco, Assessing Piketty's second law of capitalism, «OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPERS», 2018, 70, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access
Iliyan Georgiev, David I.Harvey, Stephen J.Leybourne, A.M. RobertTaylor, Testing for parameter instability in predictive regression models, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2018, 204, pp. 101 - 118 [Scientific article] Open Access
R. Metulini; R. Patuelli; D.A. Griffith, A Spatial-Filtering Zero-Inflated Approach to the Estimation of the Gravity Model of Trade, «ECONOMETRICS», 2018, 6, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Geraci, Andrea; Fabbri, Daniele; Monfardini, Chiara, Testing Exogeneity of Multinomial Regressors in Count Data Models: Does Two-stage Residual Inclusion Work?, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRIC METHODS», 2018, 7, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Vincenzo Denicolò; Michele Polo, Duplicative research, mergers and innovation, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2018, 166, pp. 56 - 59 [Scientific article] Open Access