Newsletter Vol. 19 | March-April 2022


  • On April 29, 2022, the Forlì Campus will host the workshopShared perspectives – Macroeconomic and climate governance in the European Union. Top academics, practitioners and policymakers will discuss on the topics on macroeconomic governance and climate policy, for an interactive debate on the challenges facing the EU.
  • The 1st conference organized by the European Social Science Genomics Network (ESSGN) will be held in Bologna on May 20-21, 2022. Pietro Biroli is one of the organizers, along with Emilia Del Bono (University of Essex) e Nicola Barban (University of Bologna). Melinda Mills (University of Oxford) and Dr Adam Rutherford (University College London) will be the keynote speakers of the conference. 

Visiting fellows

New colleagues

Pietro Biroli, Senior Assistant Professor (RTD-B), SECS-P/01 Economics

Pietro Biroli is an applied microeconomists interested in Health Economics and Labor Economics. His research focuses on the early origins and life cycle evolution of health and human capital. He explores the importance of genetics, family investment, and early childhood interventions in explaining health and economic inequality. With his work, he aims to understand the mechanisms through which effective policy interventions and optimal choices of investment can help mitigate innate inequalities and promote health and human capital development.

Luca Bonacini, Junior Assistant Professor (RTD-A), SECS-P/01 Economics

Luca Bonacini is an empirical economist. His main research interests concern income distribution and inequality of opportunities, with a focus on education and gender issues. After a training internship at the Bank of Italy, he received his PhD in Labor, Development and Innovation at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in 2021. The thesis has analyzed the direct and indirect effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on educational inequalities. He has published two of the chapters of the thesis in the Journal of Population Economics. The first of these also received the Kuznets 2022 prize. After the PhD, he spent a year as a research fellow in which he studied the relationship between cultural and economic processes with particular reference to gender and migration. He is the editor of the Glossary of Social Inequalities, a project of the Ermanno Gorrieri Foundation collecting items dedicated to the theme of economic and social inequalities.

Davide Dragone, Full Professor, SECS-P/01 Economics

Davide Dragone holds a bachelor's degree in economic and social sciences from Bocconi University, a master's degree in economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Bologna. He was a researcher and associate professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Bologna. In his research activity, Dragone has worked on health-related behavior, intertemporal choices, substance use, and addiction, oligopoly theory. His work has been published in international journals such as the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Health Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. He is an associate editor for the Journal of Health Economics and for Health Economics. The topics he has covered in recent years include substance use and harm reduction policies, intergenerational transmission of crime, domestic violence and femicide, and dynamic price effects. 

Graziano Moramarco, Junior Assistant Professor (RTD-A), SECS-P/05 Econometrics

Graziano is an applied economist with research interests in macroeconometrics, time series econometrics, empirical macroeconomics and international economics. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Bologna. Recently, he has been a Research Fellow at the Department of Economics, where he participated in a research project on the econometric analysis of high dimensional models with network structures in macroeconomics and finance. He has conducted research on international economic uncertainty, interactions between financial cycles and economic activity, and probabilistic forecasting using regime-switching models. Before his doctoral studies, Graziano worked as an economist at Prometeia, a consultancy and economic research company, in areas related to quantitative methods for the assessment of international macroeconomic risks and the simulation of scenarios for the financial sector. He is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Corporate Finance at the Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe. In 2011 he was awarded the "Guido Paolucci" Rotary Prize for the best graduate of the University of Bologna, School of Political Sciences.

Judit Zoltan, Junior Assistant Professor (RTD-A), SECS-P/02 Political Economy

Judit Zoltan obtained a PhD in Economics at the University of Lugano, Switzerland. Her academic and professional profile is entirely linked to the topic of tourism, with experience gained in Italy, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Ireland, the Netherlands and Hungary. Her main research interest lies in the fields of tourist behaviour, and destination planning with current focus on green transformation. Her work has been published in the Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Geographies, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, and the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. Her research has been funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.


Prizes and awards

  • Andrea Mattozzi has been appointed as Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) within the research group of Political Economy (POE).

Media coverage


Events co-organized by the DSE

  • On January 20-21, 2022, the Rimini Campus has hosted the 3rd Italian "Workshop of Econometrics and Empirical Economics" (IWEEE) organized by the Italian Econometric Association (SIdE) with the support of the DSE, with about 80 participants (40 in presence and 40 online). Chair of the Program Committee: Matteo Barigozzi. Local organizers: Luca Fanelli, Giuseppe Cavaliere and Giovanni Angelini.