Newsletter Vol. 17 | November-December 2021

I Grandi Temi della Politica Economica

On November 29th 2021 from 18:30 to 20:00, Maria Cecilia Guerra (Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Professor of Finance at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) Silvia Giannini (member of the Commission of the MEF on tax expenses) Giorgia Maffini is (Senior Manager of PwC UK and International Research Fellow at the Oxford University Center for Business Taxation) and Luigi Marattin (President of the VI Commission (Finance) of the Chamber of Deputies and Associate Professor of Political Economy at the 'University of Bologna) have been invited to discuss on the topic: "Which tax do we want? A debate on the Tax Reform" in Room 3, Piazza Scaravilli 1 - Bologna. For more information visit the GTPE webpage.


  • On November 5th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Gloria Sanz Lafuente (Universidad Pública de Navarra) will give a seminar on “Labour markets and emigration in Spain in the XXth century". Location: room 3.2 Teaching Hub, Forlì Campus. For more info please contact Francesca Fauri .
  • On November 12th, at 2:30 pm there will be the “Presentazione del XX Rapporto annuale INPS Bologna”. Presentation of the results will be given by Pasquale Tridico, Presidente INPS Paolo Naticchioni, Dirigente del Servizio Studi e Ricerche INPS, Stefano Toso, Giulio Zanella. Chair: Guglielmo Barone. Location: room 1, Piazza Scaravilli, 2. LINK: locandina allegata
  • On November 12th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Paolo Galassi (Conicet/Ceina/Uns Bahía Blanca) will give a seminar on: “Human capital immigration: the case of Italians in Argentina”.  Location: room 3.2 Teaching Hub, Forlì Campus. For more info please contact Francesca Fauri.
  • On November 16th from 1:00 to 3:00 pm Marc McQuinn (SOAS, University of London) will give a seminar on “Key changes in Europe towards migration and migrants from Africa”.   Location: room 2.1 Teaching Hub, Forlì Campus. For more info please contact Francesca Fauri.
  • On November 19th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Paolo Tedeschi (Università Milano Bicocca) will give a seminar on "A relevant economic resource or an important social problem? European institutions and the policies concerning migrants from the Fifties to the Seventies".Location: room 3.2 Teaching Hub, Forlì Campus. For more info please contact Francesca Fauri.
  • On November 24th from 9:40 to 11:00 am Giuliana Laschi (Università di Bologna) will present her book: Storia dell’integrazione europea, Mondadori, 2021. Location: Room B, via Ranzani. For more info please contact Francesca Fauri.
  • On November 26th from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Marco Borraccetti (Università di Bologna)  will give a seminar on “Incoherencies in a coherent approach: the EU action against trafficking in human beings”.  Location: room 3.2 Teaching Hub, Forlì Campus. For more info please contact Francesca Fauri.
  • On December 3rd from 3:00 to 5:00 pm Francesca Fauri and Donatella Strangio (Università La Sapienza- Roma)will give a seminar on “Out of Europe: Italian migration to Africa, the cases of Tunisia and Libya” Location: room 1, Piazza Scaravilli, 2. For more info please contact Francesca Fauri.
  • On December 7th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Giancarlo Gasperoni (Università di Bologna) will give a seminar on “Educational Performance and Choices: The Impact of Immigrant Status”. Location: room 2.1 Teaching Hub, Forlì Campus. For more info please contact Francesca Fauri.
  • On December 15th from 9:00 to 11:00 am Pierfederico Asdrubali (Commissione europea, Direzione Generale Affari Economici e Finanziari) will give a seminar on: “Gli strumenti finanziari dell’Unione Europea per la crescita e l’occupazione”For more info please contact Francesca Fauri.



Maria Arvaniti, Assistant Professor (RTD-A), SECS-P/01 Economics

Maria Arvaniti works on a variety of applied theory topics, mostly related to environmental applications.  Her current research focuses on behavioral anomalies such as temptation preferences and present bias, the strategic aspects of such problems and the design of optimal policies. Maria also works on topics related to environments agreements and strategic delegation as well as the optimal management of natural resources in the presence of regime shifts.  She has published in international journals such as the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and  the Journal of Mathematical Economics. Maria has a PhD in Economics from the University of Warwick and a Bachelor in International and European Economic Relations from Athens University of Economics and Business.

Riccardo Ghidoni, Assistant Professor (RTD-B), SECS-P/01 Economics

Riccardo Ghidoni is a behavioral economist. His research examines the determinants of prosociality and the instruments that can promote it by combining laboratory experiments, economic theory, and applied microeconometrics methods. He has a particular interest in cooperation for climate protection. Recently, he has also worked on discrimination towards ethnic minorities. His research appeared in international journals, such as the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, among others.

Stephanie Heger, Assistant Professor (RTD-B), SECS-P/01 Economics

Stephanie Heger is an applied microeconomist who’s main areas of interest is behavioral economics. Using both experimental and empirical methods, her research focuses on how pro-social preferences affect decision-making in various contexts, including charitable giving and volunteering, household financial decisions, corruption and organizational behavior. Her research has been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation and the Australian Research Council. She is a co-founder and organizer of the Early Career Behavioral Economics Conference. She holds a PhD from Washington University in Saint Louis.

Lorenzo Masiero, Assistant Professor (RTD-B), SECS-P/02 Economic Policy

Lorenzo is an applied microeconomist specialized in tourism. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Lugano, Switzerland and, before joining the University of Bologna, he was associate professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. A substantial amount of his research focuses on stated choice experiments and discrete choice modelling for the analysis of consumer behavior in the contexts of travel, tourism, and hospitality. In particular, he is interested in studying topics such as the decision-making process underlying the selection of a tourist destination, the mobility choices of tourists within the destination, hotel selection of tourists and their preference for different hotel rates. He has published several articles in leading academic journals in tourism and transport, including Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Urban Studies, Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part E, and Transport Policy. He serves as a member of the Editorial Board for Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Economics, and Tourism Review. He secured research funds from competitive grant schemes funded by the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Filippo Massari, Assistant Professor (RTD-B), SECS-P/01 Economics

Filippo Massari is a theoretical economist. He is interested in models of learning and financial markets. He published about general equilibrium models of financial markets, learning in ambiguous settings, game theory, and non-Bayesian learning models. He recently started a series of projects that relies on evolutionary arguments to explain and justify the presence and persistence of heuristic learning. He has published in international journals such as Econometrica, Theoretical Economics, Economic theory.

Denni Tommasi, Assistant Professor (RTD-B), SECS-P/05 Econometrics 

Denni Tommasi is an applied microeconomist with a primary interest in labor and development economics, and their intersections with causal inference methods. Within these fields, his research focuses on understanding how to improve the welfare of disadvantaged families and workers. His research is organized around three main pillars. First, he designs randomized control trials (RCTs) to explore ways to induce people to adopt behaviors or technologies that are likely to increase their well-being. Second, he studies the dynamics of the family and the functioning of the labor markets. Third, he develops econometric techniques that help evaluating the effects of welfare policies. He has published on The Review of Economics and Statistics and the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics amongst others. Previously, he was an Assistant Professor at Monash University (2018–21). He obtained the Ph.D. in Economics from ECARES, Université libre de Bruxelles, in October 2017.


Elettra Agliardi has been appointed as member of the Scientific Committee of the AFTER THE PANDEMICCONFERENCE SERIES, Fall 2021, website.


    • July 6: Emanuela Randon participated to the round table organized on the occasion of the presentation of the “Primo Rapporto di ricerca sul settore del Gioco in Italia”, in the Sala Ciampi of Villa Blanc (Rome), by Luiss Business School and Ipsos. The round table was also attended by Raffaele Oriani, Scientific Coordinator of the Research Project on the Gaming sector, Nando Pagnoncelli, President of Ipsos Italia, Federico Cafiero De Raho, National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor
    • July 15-17: Umberto Cherubini gave the keynote speech on the topic: “Time Change, Generalised Compounding and the Term Structure” at the First International Conference of Econometrics and Business and Analytics, San Petersbourg (Russia). 
    • September 22: Emanuele Campiglio e Alessandro Tavoni participated in "AperiScienza" discussing the “Sostenibilità della transizione ecologica: tecnologie economia e trasformazione del lavoro” as part of the program "Waiting ... Society Rinascimento" - European Researchers’ Night 2021. 


    • The 27thedition of the “Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists” (EAERE) will be organized by the DSE and will take place at Pala Congressi di Rimini on June 23-15, 2022, hosting about 500 participants. More information and the call for papers are available at the following website: Local Organizers: Emanuele Campiglio e Alessandro Tavoni.