Newsletter Vol. 10 | May-July 2020
English Summary
On behalf of the entire Department of Economics, the Director prof. Giorgio Bellettini expresses his deepest condolences on the sudden passing of prof. Gianpaolo Rossini, full professor of Political Economy and illustrious member of our scientific community at the Faculty of Political Sciences "Roberto Ruffilli" in Forlì campus of the University of Bologna.
Precious guide for generations of students and young researchers, Gianpaolo leaves an unbridgeable void in all those, friends and colleagues, who shared with him the interest in political economy, intended as a tool to improve the well-being of individuals and nations.
In what follows, the references to some recent contributions delivered by Gianpaolo and appeared on the National press.
Recent media articles of Prof. Gianpaolo Rossini
- 2 March: Il Sole 24 Ore, “Misure economiche antipanico attendono la BCE”.
- 24 March: Il Sole 24 Ore, “BCE di più e presto”.
- 29 March: Il Sole 24 Ore, “Perché prestiti BCE a interesse zero”
Stefano Antonio Bolatto, Junior Assistant Professor (RtD-a), Academic discipline: SECS-P/01 ECONOMICS.
Stefano’s research activities fall in the fields of international economics and industrial organization. He received his Ph.D. from the "Vilfredo Pareto" School of the University of Turin, at Collegio Carlo Alberto, upon visiting the Pennsylvania State University for over a year. He received the "Early Career Award" by the Global Production Network Center of the National University of Singapore, and he was awarded the prize "Fabio Gobbio" for the best doctoral thesis by the Italian Society of Industrial Economics and Policy. His research interests focus on the quantification of the welfare effects of international trade; the structure and organization of the global supply chains as determined by countries' institutional features; and the implications of industries' vertical dimension on downstream firms' pricing decisions. He already served as a post-doc research follow at this Department.
Sara Lazzaroni, Junior Assistant Professor (RtD-a), Academic discipline: SECS-P/01 ECONOMICS.
Sara is an empirical economist working in the fields of development and political economics. She obtained a PhD in Economic Policy at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan where she conducted research on the effects of natural disasters (droughts, earthquakes, epidemics) at the macroeconomic level (on GDP) and microeconomic level (on households well-being in Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of household consumption and child health). As a research fellow at the University of Bologna she investigated the role of culture and institutions in shaping socio-economic outcomes (growth, tax evasion) in preindustrial Europe and present-day Italy. Her latest works in progress feature the application of machine learning techniques to study the cultural transmission of fascism through migrants from Italy to Argentina, and the study of the effects of health shocks and political scandals for discriminatory attitudes against minorities in US and France.
Paolo Masella, Full Professor of Economics, Academic discipline: SECS-P/01 ECONOMICS.
Paolo has got his Phd in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, in 2007. He has been Lecturer and Reader at the Department of Economics of the University of Sussex, Research Fellow at the European University Institute and at the University of Mannheim. He has published on the Economic Journal, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of European Economic Association, the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, the Journal of Economic Growth, the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking e Games and Economic Behavior. His fields of research are Economic & Culture, Political Economy and Labour economics; his currently studying causes and consequences of diffusion of social norms and attitudes.
- Maria Bigoni has been awarded grants for the project entitled “Monetary networks”, in collaboration with G. Camera (Chapman University) and E. Gallo (University of Cambridge), by the Keynes Fund (P.I.: E. Gallo; amount: £12000), the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF) (P.I.: M. Bigoni; amount: €10000), and the International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics (IFREE) (P.I.: E. Gallo; amount: $ 9425).
- Emilio Calvano has become a member of the scientific committee organizing the webinar series within the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) for the field of Industrial Organization.
- Davide Dragone has become Associate Editor for the scientific journal Health Economics.
- Luca Fanelli has been awarded “Distinguished Author of the Journal of Applied Econometrics”.
- Margherita Fort has been awarded a grant for the project entitled “Gender Differences in STEM: Can Teaching Girls to Close Code the Gap?”, in collaboration with M. Carlana (Harvard University) by the Spencer Foundation (I.: M. Fort; amount: $ 50000).
- Andrea Mantovani has been awarded a grant by the NET Institute ( for the paper "Regulating Platform Fees under Price Parity", joint with Renato Gomes (Toulouse School of Economics) (amount: $ 3000).
- Aura Reggianihas been elected into Life Membership of Clare Hall, Cambridge University.
- Alessandro Tavoni has become a member of the scientific committee of the Beijer Institute:
- 1 April: Luca Lambertini has contributed to the blog Unibo ParliamoneOra with an article entitled “Noi, il SARS-CoV-2 e molto altro: Storie di prede e predatori”.
7 April: Umberto Cherubini has contributed to the blog Unibo ParliamoneOra with an article entitled “I numeri del rischio al tempo del Coronavirus”.
7 April: Paolo Manasse has participated to UniboSera with a talk entitled “Effetti economici del Coronavirus”.
14 April: Umberto Cherubini has participated to UniboSera with a talk entitled “Sarà come il 2018? Il “salto di specie” della crisi prossima ventura”.
17 April: Pier Giorgio Ardeni has participated to UniboSera with a talk entitled “Diseguaglianze virali”.
- 17 April: Maria Elena Bontempi has published an intervention entitled "L'incremento dell'incertezza economica provocato dalla pandemia COVID-19" on the blog Unibo ParliamoneOra.
21 April: Luca Lambertini has participated to UniboSera with a talk entitled “Pandemia Covid-19 e mutamento climatico: una prospettiva unificata”.
- 28 April: Maria Bigoni has participated to UniboSera with an intervention entitled “La responsabilità del cambiamento: equilibrio, coordinamento e scelte”.
- 5 May: Margherita Fort has participated to Unibosera with an intervention entitled “Diritto di apprendere, necessità di educare e scuole chiuse”.
6 May: Luigi Franzoni has contributed to the blog Unibo ParliamoneOra with an article entitled “La doppia vita dell’Analisi Costi Benefici”.
- 7 May: Maria Bigoni, Stefania Bortolotti, Margherita Fort e Annalisa Loviglio have published an article entitled “Compiti a casa per i genitori nella didattica a distanza” on
- 11 May: Radio3 has pubblished an interview to Margherita Fort entitled “Bambini in isolamento”.
12 May: Riccardo Rovelli has participated to UniboSera with a talk entitled “Il lockdown è uguale per tutti. Il suo costo no”.
- 19 May: Luigi Franzoni has contributed to the blog Unibo ParliamoneOra with an article entitled “La prevenzione del rischio: ragione o sentimento?”.
- 1 June: Maria Elena Bontempi has published an article entitled “C’è un’altra epidemia da curare: l’incertezza” on
- 16 June: Enrico Santarelli e Chiara Natalie Focacci have published an article entitled “Crisi aziendali e occupazione ai tempi del virus” on
- Luca Lambertini has participated as keynote speaker to the 2020 edition of the “Salone della CSR e dell’innovazione sociale”.
- Alessandro Tavoni has participated to the project entitled “Progetto Civitas”, launched by the Associazione Il Mulino, to promote the civic engagement of young students:
- Anastasios Xepapadeas delivered a plenary presentation entitled "Climate Change: Financial Risks and Monetary Policy" during a meeting of the "Working Group on Econometric Modeling: Climate Change and Implications for Macro and Monetary Policy" of the European Central Bank.
- Anastasios Xepapadeas contributed as Group Expert of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) to the writing of the EESC Opinion "Financing the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy and the Challenges in Financing Climate Change Adaptation".