Newsletter Vol. 7 | November-December 2019

English Summary


  • 18 November 2019: the DSE, in collaboration with il Mulino, Banca di Bologna, Prometeia and Confindustria Emilia, and with the patronage of the Municipality of Bologna, has been organized the meeting entitled “Italia e debito pubblico: c’è una via di uscita?”, which took place at the “Oratorio di San Filippo Neri” (Via Manzoni, 5 – Bologna).



Francesca Barigozzi. Professor of Economics.

Francesca Barigozzi is an applied micro theorist and her fields of research include public economics, information economics, health economics, industrial organization and behavioral economics. She holds a PhD in Economics from Toulouse School of Economics. She has been visiting professor at Ecole Centrale Marseille, Boston University and Toulouse School of Economics. Her papers have been published in international journals including Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Health Economics, European Economic Review, Games and Economic Behaviors, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Review of Finance. She is Editor of The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Associate Editor of the Journal of Public Economic Theory and, Academic Editor of PLOS ONE. Her current research activity focuses mainly on family economics, gender issues and personnel economics.

Matteo Barigozzi, Full Professor of Economics

Matteo is a macro-econometrician. His research is mainly focused on dynamic factor models for large datasets of time series, on their application to study the effects of monetary policies, and on their statistical properties. He also worked on measuring systemic risk in financial markets by means of network models. His papers have been published on international journals as Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Financial Econometrics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. He obtained his PhD at the Sant' Anna School for Advanced Studies in Pisa, and he has been associate professor of statistics at LSE.

Stefania Bortolotti, Senior Assistant Professor (RtD-b)

Stefania is a behavioral and experimental economist, she is interested in topics such as cooperation, inequality, and incentive systems. At the moment, she is investigating the determinants of the major choices among adolescents, with a focus on the gender gap in science. Her work has been published in international journals such as Economic Journal, European Economic Review, and Journal of Money Credit & Banking.

Andrea Carriero, Full Professor of Economics

Andrea Carriero is a Professor of Economics. His research interests are in empirical macroeconomics and financial econometrics. Andrea is working on the econometric analysis of the term structure of interest rates, measuring uncertainty, and on forecasting macroeconomic data with large datasets. He has published in several peer-reviewed journals including the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Journal of Econometrics, the Journal of Business and Economics Statistics, the Journal of Applied Econometrics, and the International Economic Review.

Alice Guerra, Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di Tipo B (RtD-b)

Alice’s research spans several topics in the economic analysis of torts, with particular attention to the role of institutions and the law in monitoring and deterring illegal behaviors and dishonesty. This is tackled using different methodologies, spanning from theoretical models, to laboratory experiments and empirical analyses. She is currently conducting experimental research on different topics: tax evasion in Italy and Denmark, electoral fraud and vote-buying in Kenya, dishonest leadership and its effect on employees’ behavior, social norms towards corruption. She is also conducting theoretical analyses on civil and criminal liability, and empirical research on judicial performance. Her works have been published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, and The Journal of Legal Studies. In 2017 she has been awarded a Marie Skodowska-Curie Research Fellowship at Copenhagen Business School, to conduct a cross-cultural analysis of tax evasion in Italy and Denmark.

Niko Jaakkola Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di Tipo B (RtD-b)

Niko is an environmental and resource economist, working on climate change, natural resources, and sustainability. Typical questions consider strategic competition, over time, between states or governments trying to maximise the value of their national resource wealth and/or to minimise impacts of climate change. Distributional issues around climate policies also play a large role in his work. Niko's work is theoretical, with a focus on dynamic and differential games. His interests also intersect with public finance, macroeconomics, and political economy. Niko has published in leading field journals, namely Journal of Public Economics and Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

Rossella Verzulli, Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di Tipo B (RtD-b)

Rossella is an applied economist, and her main research interests lie in the area of health economics and public economics. Her research is focused on empirical policy evaluation, and investigates the effect of public initiatives on the behavior of suppliers and purchasers in health care markets. Her ongoing research projects address the following topics: the impact of information disclosure on the quality of health care delivery and on demand patterns, the performance of public hospitals in response to a change in managerial incentives, and the effect of prospective payment mechanisms on commissioner behavior in health care systems. Her work has been published in international journals such as Health Economics and The European Journal of Health Economics. Rossella obtained her PhD at the University of Milan, and she has been appointed to a Research Fellowship at the Centre for Health Economics of the University of York.



  • 26 October 2019Francesca Fauri received the European history essay prize, awarded by the historian essay committee of the XLVIII edition of the Basilicata Literacy Prize, for the book “L’Unione Europea. Una storia economica”, Il Mulino, 2017. The award ceremony took place at the Matera municipal theatre of Gerardo Guerrieri.
  • November 2019: the Scientific Committee of UniCredit Foundation has selected the DSE as one of the three winners of the 5th Foscolo Europe Top-Up Fellowship competition. Each Top-Up Fellowship establishes a prize of 150.000 Euro as complement of the salary and contractual terms of the standard tenure track or post-doc positions offered to outstanding job market candidates.
  • 9 November 2019Francesco Clavorà Braulin (PhD student since 2016) is awarded the prize “Best graduate paper”, which has been assigned by the “UECE - Research Unit on Complexity and Economics and the Lisbon School of Economics and Management” during the eleven edition of the “UECE Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications” conference.
  • 9 November 2019Emilio Calvano has been appointed as Research Fellow of the Center for European Policy Research (CEPR).




  • 6 November 2019Emilio Calvano has participated to the Conference “Algorithms” organized by the French and German competition authorities, hosted by the Paris National School of Administration (ENA), and organized by the “Autorité de la concurrence” (French Competition Authority) and by the “Bundeskartellamt” (German Competition Authority).
  • 10 December 2019Francesca Barigozzi will present her recent paper: “The gender gap in informal child care: theory and evidence from Italy”, joint with Helmuth Cremer (University of Toulouse) e Chiara Monfardini, at the conference of “Economia Italiana Rivista Fondata da Mario Arcelli” on the topic “Gender gaps in Italian economy and the role of public policy”, organized by the Bank of Italy. 


  • Elena Argentesi and Emilio Calvano have participated to the study on “Ex-post assessment of merger control decisions in digital markets”, commissioned by the UK Competition and Markets Authority.
  • Elena Argentesi has participated to a study on “EU state aid for access to finance by SMEs”, commissioned nu the European Commission, DG Competition.
  • Since spring 2019, a new project of collaboration between DSE and Confindustria has started. The contract aims to formulate the new macroeconomic Confindustria model, which will be used by the Centro Studi Confindustria to make the half-yearly econometric forecasts and policy analyses. Maria Elena Bontempi and Roberto Golinelli are in charge of this collaboration, and will present the first release of the model in Rome by mid-December 2019. Link to the program:


  • The School of Political Sciences hosted a program of ten seminars on the topic “Migration to and from Europe” on 6 Novembre-3 December 2019. The seminars were organized by Francesca Fauri and co-financed by the Jean Monnet Chair of Francesca Fauri, and by the Department of Political Sciences.
  • The 9th edition of the “EIEF-UNIBO-IGIER Bocconi Workshop” on Industrial Organization will take place at Bocconi University on 20 December 2019. Emilio Calvano, Giacomo Calzolari (EUI), Francesco Decarolis (Bocconi University), Andrea Pozzi (EIEF) and Fabiano Schivardi (EIEF) are members of the Organizing Committee.
  • The 25 th edition of the "Spring Meeting of Young Economists" will take place at the DSE on June 4-6, 2020. Sara Lazzaroni(chair), Enrico Cantoni, Elias Carroni, Valentina Colombo, Emanuele Forlani, Giorgio Gulino, Natalia Montinari, Paolo Roberti, Alessandro Sforza and Tommaso Sonno are the Local Organizing CommitteeDavide Cantoni (LMU), Paola Conconi (ULB) and James Snyder (Harvard) will be the keynote speakers of the conference. More information and the call for papers are available at the following website:
  • The 26th edition of the “International Panel Data Conference” will take place at Bertinoro on June 24-27 2020. Maria Elena Bontempi and Roberto Golinelli are the Local Organizing Committee. Xavier D’Haultfoeuille (CREST-INSEE), Oliver Linton (University of Cambridge), Jacques Mairesse (Maastricht University), Peter C.B. Phillips (Yale University) and Alan Timmermann (University of California-San Diego) will be the keynote speakers of the conference. A prize for the best paper by a Young Researcher will be awarded, sponsored by the DSE. More information and the call for papers are available at the following website: