Newsletter Vol. 6 | July-October 2019
English Summary
- 25 September 2019: a workshop will be held in memory of Pierpaolo Giannoccolo (Seminar room of the DSE in Strada Maggiore 45, 2.15 pm). In the first part, some unpublished works co-authored by Pierpaolo will be presented; in the second part, an award dedicated to the memory of Pierpaolo will be assigned. After that, Prof. Flavia Cortellezzi (University of Insubria) and Prof. Francesco Zanetti (University of Oxford) will remember Pierpaolo’s human and intellectual figure.
- 2 and 3 September 2019 the “First Ec / Hist Workshop” has been held at DSE. Joel Mokyr, Robert H. Strotz (Northwestern University) gave a keynote speech. Scientific Committee: Matteo Cervellati, Sara Lazzaroni, Massimiliano Onorato, Luigi Pascali, Giovanni Prarolo, Mara Squicciarini, Paolo Vanin.
Giovanni Angelini, Senior Assistant Professor (RtD-b)
Giovanni is a macro-econometrician. His research covers the analysis of structural macro models such as DSGE and SVAR, and the evaluation of the efficiency in the betting markets. He currently works on deriving new methods for the identification of structural shocks with applications to the identification of uncertainty and fiscal shocks. His works have been published in international journals such as the Journal of Applied Econometrics, the International Journal of Forecasting and the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
Annalisa Loviglio, Post-doctoral researcher
Annalisa’s research focuses on labour economics, particularly the economics of education. She is currently studying how the school environment affects students’ cognitive skills and educational choices. She has also studied how different grading practices affect students’ performance and selection to further education, and how the age at entry in primary school affect children in the short and long run. She holds a PhD from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Barcelona GSE.
Vincenzo Scrutinio, Post-doctoral researcher
Vincenzo is an applied labour and public economist. His research focuses on policy evaluation and education. In particular, he studies the effects of unemployment benefits over the career of workers both in terms of generosity and duration, and active labour market policies. His research covers also several topics in education such as teacher turnover, training and wage determinants for teachers and school managers (teachers and headteachers). His work is mostly based on reduced form identification strategies. He is a VisitINPS tutor and researcher. He currently collaborates on several projects based on large administrative data in Italy and in the UK.
Alessandro Sforza, Post-doctoral researcher
Alessandro obtained his PhD from LSE in Spring 2018. His research focuses on firm behaviour in relation to credit shocks and the implication for firms organisation and wage inequality, the role of managers in determining firms’ international activities and in transferring export knowledge across firms, and the effects of international migration on the labour market.
- November 1, 2019: Maria Bigoni will become editor of JESA, The Journal of the Economic Science Association.
- 1 September 2019, Emilio Calvano became an Associate Editor of the Journal of Industrial Economics
- The book “Inequality: a short history” written by Michele Alacevich and Prof. Anna Soci, published by Brookings Institute, Washington, (2017):
- has been translated into Chinese by the Shanghai University Press (2018), with the title “不等式。 简史”
- has been translated into Italian by Laterza (2019), with the title “Breve Storia della Disuguaglianza”.
- 5 September 2019: the study “Cooperation in the Climate Commons”, published in the Review of Environmental Economics and Policy by Profs Stefano Carattini (Georgia State University, USA), Simon Levin (Princeton University, USA) and Alessandro Tavoni (University of Bologna ) has been reported on UNIBO MAGAZINE
- 12 July 2019, Prof. Gianpaolo Rossini has published a speech entitled “I nodi che affossano le banche tedesche“ on Il Sole 24 ore.
- 17 June 2019, Prof. Anna Soci was interviewed for the transmission Fahrenheit (RAI Radio 3) regarding the Italian translation of the book “Brief history of inequalities”, published by Laterza, 2019.
- 2-3 September 2019: Alessandro Tavoni presented the work “Cooperation in the Climate Commons” carried out in collaboration with P Simon Levin (Princeton University) and Prof. Maja Schlueter (Stockholm University) at the Third AERNA Workshop on Game Theory and the Environment, Valencia (Spain).
- 11-13 April 2019: Anna Soci presented the work “Inequality and Democracy” at the XVI Conference of AISPE (Italian Association for the History of Economic Thought) on the topic “The rise of economic inequality Contributions from the history of the social sciences “
- 18 April 2019: Anna Soci presented the work “Capitalism and Inequality” at the last meeting of the “Dialoghi” series at the Università del Piemonte Orientale.
- 2 July 2019: Anastasios Xepapadeas held a Keynote Speech on the topic “The Financial Risk of Climate Change” at the Italian Sustainability Day (III edition) organized by Borsa Italiana (Milan).
- 12 June 2019: P Giorgio Bellettini gave a speech on the occasion of the presentation of the “2018 Report on the Economy of Emilia-Romagna” held in the Aula Absidale di Santa Lucia, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, edited by the Bank of Italy (Bologna branch of the Bank of Italy with the collaboration of the Branches of Forlì and Piacenza).
- 4 June 2019: P Lucio Picci gave a Lectio Magistralis on the topic “Plagiarism, falsification and invention of results. The ethics of research, the foundations of our work” at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, on the occasion of the award ceremony for doctoral degrees (Video of the speech).