Newsletter Vol. 5 | May-June 2019

English Summary

In Focus:

PRIN 2017 - Our Department hits the jackpot!

The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) has announced the list of Research projects of significant national interest - PRIN 2017 funded in the SH1 sector (Individuals, Markets and Organizations). The projects presented as Principal Investigator by professors Bigoni, Casari, Denicolò, Masella and Naghavi have been founded with a total of almost 3 million euros by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.


  • 13-15 March 2019: The WTO Model Days have been organized thanks to Rosalia Mazza (students of the Master's Degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences, Forlì) and with the collaboration of professors Gianpaolo Rossini and Riccardo Rovelli. The WTO Model Days are simulation games that reproduce internal negotiations between members of the World Trade Organization.
  • 5 April 2019: prof. Andrea Mantovani participated as a speaker at the MAD - MIEX Alumni Day; with a speech on the topic “A Changing International Trade Environment. Implications from growing nationalism, political agendas and new trade barriers ".
  • 28-29 June 2019: The DSE will guest the "10th Annual Workshop on Economics of Risky Behaviors" organized by professors Davide Dragone and Erdal Tekin (School of Public Affairs, American University, USA, IZA, and NBER).



  • 2019-2023Maria Bigoni joined the Research Council of the European University Institute
  • 15-16 April 2019Andrea Mantovani was a visiting professor at the Toulouse School of Economics to work on the project "Platform competition and the market for data" with Yassine Lefouili ​​and Wilfried Sand-Zantman.
  • April 2019Roberto Patuelli was appointed by the Rector as a member of an interdisciplinary work group that will have the task of studying, in collaboration with the Fondazione Innovazione Urbana, the impacts of the first Bologna tramline.
  • March 2019, two textbooks written by Flavio Delbono and Laura Spallanzani for students of commercial technical institutes have been published:
    • Piazza Affari. Economia Politica, Mondadori, 2019.
    • Piazza Affari. Economia Pubblica, Mondadori, 2019.



  • March-April 2019Stefano Toso received the following media covrage:
    • He participated in the radio program Tutta la città ne parla (RAI Radio3) on the topic "Reddito di Cittadinanza", 6 March 2019;
    • He was interviewed by the French newspaper Le Parisien (article by F. Zanichelli, "L'Italie découvre le revenu de citoyenneté", 10 March 2019);
    • He was interviewed by the newspaper Il Mattino (article by F. Pacifico, "Criteri più penalizzanti per le famiglie. Ecco perché l'assegno è così basso", 21 April 2019);
    • He participated in the radio program Radio anch’io (RAI Radio1) on the topic "Economia e Lavoro", 26 April 2019.
  • March-April 2019: the article "Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Pricing and Collusion" by professors Emilio Calvano, Giacomo Calzolari, Vincenzo Denicolò and Sergio Pastorello received the following media coverage: