Newsletter Vol. 3 | January-February 2019

English Summary

In Focus:

COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY series organized by the Department of Economics:

Fourth event: "New protectionism: a threat to trade or to the international order?"

Monday, February 4th from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Venue:             Oratorio San Filippo Neri di Via Manzoni 5, Bologna

Speakers:         Giorgio Barba Navaretti (Università di Milano)

Vittorio Emanuele Parsi (Università Cattolica di Milano)

Chair:              Danilo Taino (Corriere della Sera)


Fifth event: “Brexit: Was it worth it? Implications and consequences for the EU and for Italy”

Monday, February 18th from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Venue:             Oratorio San Filippo Neri di Via Manzoni 5

Speakers:         Carlo Altomonte (Università Bocconi)

Federico Fabbrini (Dublin City University)

Beda Romano (il Sole- 24 ore)

Chairs:             Ferdinando Giugliano (Bloomberg)


Other Events:

January 2019: in the last three years January has been the month dedicated to Junior Research Seminars, seminars in which young researchers from all over the world visit our department and interact with its members. This year we have selected 8 young and promising researchers from prestigious European and world institutions such as Princeton University, London School of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics.




Elias Carroni, Senior Assistant Professor (RtD-b)

Elias is an applied microeconomist, interested in topics of industrial economics. His research is mainly focused on the analysis of business strategies in the digital economy. In particular, his research focuses on the study of price discrimination strategies based on network and consumer behavior, on the methods of contracting multi-sided platforms with various sides of the market and on the solution of problems of information asymmetry through strategies of price and advertising. These topics are mainly addressed with the use of game theory. His works have been published in the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, the International Journal of Industrial Organization and Management Science.

Massimiliano Onorato, Senior Assistant Professor (RtD-b)

After obtaining a doctorate in Economics from the Bocconi University, Massimiliano was PostDoc at the Leitner Program in the International and Comparative Political Economy at the Yale University. Subsequently, he was a researcher at IMT Lucca and the Catholic University of Milan. His research areas are political economics, with particular attention to the role of institutions in the processes of long-term economic development, and economic history. His work has been published in international journals such as Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Economic Growth and Journal of Economic History. In 2017, together with Mark Dincecco, he published with the Cambridge University Press the book "From Warfare to Wealth: The Military Origins of Urban Prosperity in Europe", which in 2018 received the "William H. Riker" award as the best book in the Political Economy section at the American Political Science Association.

Tommaso Sonno, Post-doctoral researcher

Tommaso’s research focuses on international economics and political economy. He has studied the relationship between trade and conflicts, and global value networks. He is currently analysing the impact of multinational enterprises on violence in developing countries, the dynamics of populism, and the effect that financial frictions have on the processes of reallocation of resources.

Alessandro Tavoni, Senior Assistant Professor (RtD-b)

Alessandro is an environmental and behavioural economist. His research spans several topics in environmental economics, primarily related to overcoming behavioural and political economy barriers to cooperation in the climate commons. This is tackled through a combination of game theory models, laboratory experiments, surveys and simulations, in an effort to shed light on the potential solutions to environmental dilemmas. Particular attention is given to the role of tipping points in catalysing cooperation. This work has been published in leading journals in both economics and the sciences, such as the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences.


  • Francesca Barigozzi is visiting professor at the Toulouse School of Economics for the academic year 2018/19
  • September 2018: Paolo Manasse participated as a keynote speaker to the debate Structural Reforms, organized at Bruegel, a think-tank in Bruxelles
  • December 2018Andrea Mantovani has been invited to give a conference at the Real Sociedad Económica Matritense di Madrid on the topic: “Retos Globales para el sector de la platforms on-line: ¿Regulación o laissez-faire?” (Global challenges for the online platform industry: regulation or laissez-faire?)


  • December 20th, 2018: the Corriere di Bologna published an article on prof. Anastasios Xepapadeas "L'UOMO CHE STUDIA IL CLIMA CHE CAMBIA"
  • October 6th, 2018: prof. Paolo Manasse has written an article for the Newspaper “Il Foglio” on the budget law
  • November 14th, 2018: prof Anna Soci has been interviewed about the Budget Law in the talk show “Aria Pulita” broadcasted by TV 7GOLD.
  • November 19th, 2018: prof Anna Soci participated in the workshop on the topic “State and public responsibility "organized at the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation.
  • November and December 2018: Paolo Manasse:
    • invited guest at the radio program "Zapping" broadcasted by Rai Radio 1 to discuss the economics concepts in the current public debate;
    • interviewed by Skype, Radio News broadcasted by Rai Radio 1, Television News broadcasted by Rete 4 and TGCom24 about the current economic debate, Radio News broadcasted by Radio Popolare Milano and by Radio Vaticana.
  • December, 5th 2018Natalia Montinari participated in the "1918 - 2018 | 100 YEARS THAT DO NOT PASS / THE HERITAGE OF THE GREAT WAR BETWEEN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION "organized at the Oratorio San Filippo Neri by La Ricerca in Scena. Her intervention focused on the birth of the experimental economics as a research methodology in economics


  • November 5th 2018, prof. Paolo Manasse participated in the presentation of the book “COSA SUCCEDE SE USCIAMO DALL’EURO?” by Carlo Stagnaro.
  • Novembre 2018, prof. Paolo Manasse presented his book “Economic Crisis and Structural Reforms” at Bicocca University (Milano) during the inaugural lecture of the MSc Degree International Economics.