"Top five" publications
Scientific papers published in the "top five" economics journals
Giacomo Calzolari; Vincenzo Denicolò, Competition with exclusive contracts and market-share discounts, «THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2013, 103, pp. 2384 - 2411 [Scientific article]
Cervellati Matteo; Sunde Uwe, Life Expectancy, Schooling, and Lifetime Labor Supply: Theory and Evidence Revisited, «ECONOMETRICA», 2013, 81, pp. 2055 - 2086 [Scientific article]
Massari; Filippo, Comment on If You're so Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? Belief Selection in Complete and Incomplete Markets, «ECONOMETRICA», 2013, 81, pp. 849 - 851 [Scientific article]