Recent publications
Publications produced in the last two years
Giulia Ganugi; Giulio Ecchia, Introduzione, in: Verso (Eco)Sistemi di Innovazione Sociale. Un percorso di capacity building, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2024, pp. 9 - 16 [Chapter or essay]
Masiero, Lorenzo; Zoltan, Judit; Tolkach, Denis; Pratt, Stephen; Jørgensen, Matias Thuen; Schuckert, Markus; Chon, Kaye, Assessing air traveler preferences for pay-per-weight pricing, «TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH. PART A, POLICY AND PRACTICE», 2024, 190, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
Andrea Mantovani, Claudio A. Piga, Carlo Reggiani, Yevgeniya Shevtsova, Platform-enabled innovation adoption in the tourism sector: A case study on, «TOURISM MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES», 2024, 54, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
Barigozzi, Matteo; Cuzzola, Angelo; Grazzi, Marco; Moschella, Daniele, Factoring in the Micro: A Transaction‐Level Dynamic Factor Approach to the Decomposition of Export Volatility, «OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2024, 1, pp. 1 - 30 [Scientific article]
Barigozzi, Francesca; Domínguez, José J.; Montinari, Natalia, Entering a gender-neutral workplace? College students’ expectations and the impact of information provision, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY», 2024, 105, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]
Campiglio, Emanuele; Spiganti, Alessandro; Wiskich, Anthony, Clean innovation, heterogeneous financing costs, and the optimal climate policy mix, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT», 2024, 128, pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article]
Ferroni, Filippo; Fisher, Jonas D.M.; Melosi, Leonardo, Unusual shocks in our usual models, «JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS», 2024, 147, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article]
Francesca Fauri; Giancarlo Gasperoni, A Geographic and Social Profile of Italy's Great Migration (1876–1913), «INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION», 2024, 0, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article]
Buonanno, Paolo; Ferrari, Irene; Saia, Alessandro, All is not lost: Organized crime and social capital formation, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS», 2024, 240, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]
Bigoni M.; De Paz M.B.; Le Coq C., Beyond Hawks and Doves: Can inequality ease coordination?, «ECONOMIC THEORY», 2024, forthcoming, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]
F. Barigozzi, H. Cremer, E. Thibault, The motherhood wage and income traps, «JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS», 2024, 37, pp. 73 - 99 [Scientific article]
Lago, Giancarlo; Arena, Alberta; Ialongo, Nicola, La frammentazione del metallo nei ripostigli del Bronzo tardo. Un caso studio dai Balcani occidentali, in: Studi in onore di Andrea Cardarelli, Napoli, Naus editoria, 2024, pp. 665 - 680 [Chapter or essay]
Barigozzi, Matteo, Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation of High-Dimensional Factor Models, in: Oxford Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, New York, Oxford University Press, 2024, pp. 1 - 41 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
Barigozzi, Matteo; Hallin, Marc, Dynamic Factor Models: A Genealogy, in: Partial Identification in Econometrics and Related Topics. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, Cham, Springer, 2024, pp. 3 - 24 (STUDIES IN SYSTEMS, DECISION AND CONTROL) [Chapter or essay]
Gasperoni, Francesca; Luati, Alessandra; Paci, Lucia; D’Innocenzo, Enzo, Score Driven Modeling of Spatio-temporal Data, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION», 2023, 118, pp. 1066 - 1077 [Scientific article] Open Access
Alan Manning, Paolo Masella, The Dynamics of the Debate About Gay Rights: Evidence from US Newspapers, «JOURNAL OF LAW, ECONOMICS, & ORGANIZATION», 2023, 39, pp. 456 - 492 [Scientific article] Open Access
Barigozzi, Matteo; Luciani, Matteo, Measuring the Output Gap using Large Datasets, «THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2023, 105, pp. 1500 - 1514 [Scientific article] Open Access
Danzi L.; Figini P., The tourism economics of marginal and mature mountains. The case of the Regional Park of Corno alle Scale (Apennines), Italy, «CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM», 2023, 26, pp. 772 - 788 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cavaliere G.; Lu Y.; Rahbek A.; Staerk-Ostergaard J., Bootstrap inference for Hawkes and general point processes, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2023, 235, pp. 133 - 165 [Scientific article] Open Access
Matei Demetrescu, Iliyan Georgiev, Paulo Rodrigues, AM Robert Taylor, Extensions to IVX methods of inference for return predictability, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2023, 237, pp. 1 - 30 [Scientific article] Open Access