Recent publications
Publications produced in the last two years
Karydas C.; Xepapadeas A., Climate change financial risks: Implications for asset pricing and interest rates, «JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STABILITY», 2022, 63, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carriero, A; Chan, J; Clark, TE; Marcellino, M, Corrigendum to “Large Bayesian vector autoregressions with stochastic volatility and non-conjugate priors” [J. Econometrics 212 (1) (2019) 137–154], «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2022, 227, pp. 506 - 512 [Scientific article] Open Access
Maruotti, Antonello; Fabbri, Marco; Rizzolli, Matteo, Multilevel Hidden Markov Models for Behavioral Data: A Hawk-and-Dove Experiment, «MULTIVARIATE BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH», 2022, 57, pp. 825 - 839 [Scientific article] Open Access
Di Cataldo, M; Mastrorocco, N, Organized Crime, Captured Politicians, and the Allocation of Public Resources, «THE JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION», 2022, 38, pp. 774 - 839 [Scientific article] Open Access
Andrea Carriero; Francesco Corsello; Massimiliano Marcellino, The global component of inflation volatility, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS», 2022, 37, pp. 700 - 721 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bai, Y; Carriero, A; Clark, TE; Marcellino, M, Macroeconomic forecasting in a multi-country context, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS», 2022, 37, pp. 1230 - 1255 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carriero, A; Clark, TE; Marcellino, M, Nowcasting tail risk to economic activity at a weekly frequency, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS», 2022, 37, pp. 843 - 866 [Scientific article] Open Access
Stephanie Heger; Robert Slonim, Giving begets giving: Positive path dependence as moral consistency, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2022, 204, pp. 699 - 718 [Scientific article]
Patrizia Battilani; Davide Bagnaresi, Why women become entrepreneurs: the Italian hospitality sector at the dawn of mass tourism, in: EL TURISMO EN ESPAÑA E ITALIA ANTES DEL BOOM TURÍSTICO, Madrid, Silex, 2022, pp. 197 - 225 [Chapter or essay]
Battilani, Patrizia; Bagnaresi, Davide, L’esperienza dello shopping nelle località turistiche fra pianificazione urbana e innovazione tecnologica e organizzativa, «STORIA E FUTURO», 2022, 1, pp. 78 - 89 [Scientific article] Open Access
Dragone, D; Lambertini, L; Palestini, A, Emission taxation, green innovations and inverted-U aggregate R&D effort s in a linear state differential game, «RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS», 2022, 76, pp. 62 - 68 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, Cléo; Forget, Evelyn L.; Singleton, John D., Women and Economics: New Historical Perspectives, «HISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2022, 54, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Stanislaw Bartha; Maria Elena Bontempi, Measuring Economic Uncertainty for Poland, BOLOGNA, Dipartimento di Scienze economiche, 2022, pp. 46 . [Research monograph]
Paolo Buonanno, Paolo Vanin, Juan Vargas, A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime, Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 414 . [Editorship]
Paolo Buonanno, Paolo Vanin, Juan Vargas, The changing nature of economics of crime, in: A modern guide to the economics of crime, Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 1 - 11 [Chapter or essay]
Tommy Murphy; Paolo Vanin, Organised crime, state and the legitimate monopoly of violence, in: A modern guide to the economics of crime, Cheltenham, UK - Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 374 - 394 [Chapter or essay]
Nicolò Barbieri; Massimiliano Mazzanti; Anna Montini; Andrea Rampa, Risk Attitudes to Catastrophic Events: VSL and WTP for Insurance Against Earthquakes, «ECONOMICS OF DISASTERS AND CLIMATE CHANGE», 2022, 6, pp. 317 - 337 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ahmed Arif , Laura Bottazzi , Sergio Pastorello, Securitization, Covered Bonds and the Risk Taking Behavior of European Banks, amsterdam, ssrn elsevier, 2022, pp. 46 . [Research monograph]
Benati G.; Guerriero C.; Zaina F., The origins of political institutions and property rights, «JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS», 2022, 50, pp. 946 - 968 [Scientific article] Open Access
Battilani Patrizia, Bonacini Luca, Pignataro Giuseppe, Scorcu Antonello, 1995-2020 Propensione alla lettura, capitale umano e tassi di inattività nelle regioni italiane, «ECONOMIA DELLA CULTURA», 2022, 2-3, pp. 199 - 215 [Scientific article] Open Access