Recent publications
Publications produced in the last two years
Marino, MR; Pollastri, C; Zanardi, A, Withholding self-employed and business incomes: An application to Italian firms, «METROECONOMICA», 2022, 73, pp. 1200 - 1216 [Scientific article] Open Access
Alberto Zanardi, Il ruolo degli enti locali nell'attuazione del Pnrr, «RIVISTA AIC», 2022, 3, pp. 239 - 246 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guerra, Alice; Justesen, Mogens K., Vote buying and redistribution, «PUBLIC CHOICE», 2022, 193, pp. 315 - 344 [Scientific article] Open Access
Martina Fehérová; Stephanie Heger; Jana Péliová; Maroš Servátka; Robert Slonim, Increasing autonomy in charitable giving: The effect of choosing the number of recipients on donations, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2022, 217, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article] Open Access
Stephanie Heger, Robert Slonim, Franziska Tausch, Self-serving dishonesty: The role of confidence in driving dishonesty, «JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY», 2022, 64, pp. 235 - 250 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fanelli L.; Marsi A., Sovereign spreads and unconventional monetary policy in the Euro area: A tale of three shocks, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2022, 150, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fiorentini, Gianluca; Bruni, Matteo Lippi; Mammi, Irene, The same old medicine but cheaper: The impact of patent expiry on physicians’ prescribing behaviour, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2022, 204, pp. 37 - 68 [Scientific article]
Guastella, G; Mazzarano, M; Pareglio, S; Xepapadeas, A, Climate reputation risk and abnormal returns in the stock markets: A focus on large emitters, «INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS», 2022, 84, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
Lax-Martinez G.; Rohner D.; Saia A., Threat of taxation, stagnation and social unrest: Evidence from 19th century sicily, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2022, 202, pp. 361 - 371 [Scientific article] Open Access
Benito Arru{\~n}ada; Marco Fabbri; Michael Faure, Land Titling and Litigation, «THE JOURNAL OF LAW & ECONOMICS», 2022, 65, pp. 131 - 156 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fabbri M., Institutional quality shapes cooperation with out-group strangers, «EVOLUTION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR», 2022, 43, pp. 53 - 70 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bonacini L., Pignataro G., Specchi C., Istruzione terziaria e finanziamenti pubblici: un’opportunità di crescita?, «MENABÒ DI ETICA ED ECONOMIA», 2022, 175, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gustav Feichtinger; Luca Lambertini; George Leitmann; Stefan Wrzaczek, Managing the tragedy of commons and polluting emissions: a unified view, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2022, 303, pp. 487 - 499 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cappellaro, Francesca; D’Agosta, Gianluca; De Sabbata, Piero; Barroco, Felipe; Carani, Claudia; Borghetti, Alberto; Lambertini, Luca; Nucci, Carlo Alberto, Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes, «JOURNAL OF URBAN ECOLOGY», 2022, 8, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Figini P.; Cicognani S.; Zirulia L., Booking in the Rain. Testing the Impact of Public Information on Prices, «ITALIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL», 2022, online first, pp. 1 - 36 [Scientific article] Open Access
P. Figini, The coordination challenge in tourism destinations: value creation, enhancement, and retention, in: A Modern Guide to Tourism Economics, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 134 - 151 [Chapter or essay]
Guizzardi, Andrea; Ballestra, Luca Vincenzo; D'Innocenzo, Enzo, Hotel dynamic pricing, stochastic demand and covid-19, «ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH», 2022, 97, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]
J.L. Eugenio-Martin; R. Patuelli, Panel Data Models in Tourism Research: Innovative Applications and Methods, «TOURISM ECONOMICS», 2022, 28, pp. 1348 - 1354 [Scientific article] Open Access
J.L. Eugenio-Martin; R. Patuelli (a cura di): J.L. Eugenio-Martin; R. Patuelli; J.V. Pérez-Rodríguez; H. Rachinger; M. Santana-Gallego; M. Weigert; A. Bauer; J. Gernert; M. Karl; A. Nalmpatian; H. Küchenhoff; J. Schmude; H.F. Gholipour; R. Tajaddini; U. Al-mulali; F. Tian; Y. Yang; L. Jiang, Special Issue: Panel Data Models in Tourism Research, Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE, 2022, pp. 85 . [Editorship]
Karydas C.; Xepapadeas A., Climate change financial risks: Implications for asset pricing and interest rates, «JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STABILITY», 2022, 63, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access