Recent publications
Publications produced in the last two years
P. Battilani, How To Beat The Competition Without Losing Co-operative Identity: The Case Of The Italian Consumer Co-operatives, in: P.ALEX, A.BIJNAAR, A.BURTON, H. DEFOORT, B.DEGEN, M. HILSON, A.KURIMOTO,A. ELO, V. A. PESTOFF, M. PRINZ, W. STEENHAUT, I. THEIEN, P. TOUCAS, Consumerism versus capitalism? Co-operatives seen from an International Comparative Perspective, GHENT, Amsab-Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, 2005, pp. 109 - 129 (atti di: Consumerism versus capitalism?, Ghent, 16-18 october 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Zanardi A., Economia sommersa e finanza pubblica, in: Modelli statistici per la rilevazione dell'economia sommersa, ROMA, Camera dei deputati, 2005, 102, pp. 33 - 41 (atti di: Modelli statistici per la rilevazione dell'economia sommersa, Roma, 22 settembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
G. Galimberti; A. Montanari; M. Costa, Regression trees for skew dependent variables, in: Programme and abstract, s.l, s.n, 2005, pp. 80 - 80 (atti di: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR STATISTICAL COMPUTING 3rd World Conference on Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Limassol, Cyprus, 28-31 October 2005) [Abstract]
L. Picci; M. Golden, Proposal for a New Measure of Corruption, Illustrated with Italian Data, «ECONOMICS & POLITICS», 2005, 17, pp. 37 - 75 [Scientific article]
Ichino A. ; Mealli F. ; Nannicini T., Temporary Work Agencies in Italy: A Springboard to Permanent Employment?, «GIORNALE DEGLI ECONOMISTI E ANNALI DI ECONOMIA», 2005, 64(1), pp. 1 - 27 [Scientific article]
Ichino A. ; Riphahn R.T., The Effect of Employment Protection on Worker Effort. A comparison of absenteeism during and after probation, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2005, 3(1), pp. 120 - 143 [Scientific article]
Filippin A. ; Ichino A., Gender Wage Gap in Expectation and Realizations, «LABOUR ECONOMICS», 2005, 12(1), pp. 125 - 145 [Scientific article]
Ichino A. ; Sanz de Galdeano A., Reconciling Motherhood and Work. Evidence from Time Use Data in Three Countries, in: The Economics of Time Use, AMSTERDAM, Elsevier, 2005, pp. 263 - 288 [Chapter or essay]
A. Ichino; S. Gagliarducci; G. Peri; R. Perotti, Lo splendido isolamento dell'univerista' Italiana, in: Oltre il declino, BOLOGNA, Il Mulino, 2005, pp. 150 - 180 (Studi e Ricerche) [Chapter or essay]
Argentesi E.; Filistrucchi L., Estimating Market Power in a Two-sided Market: the Case of Newspapers, in: Raccolta dei papers presentati all'European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET) organizzato dal Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), disponibile alla pagina web dell'evento (, LONDON, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2005, pp. 0 - 0 (atti di: all'European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory (ESSET) organizzato dal Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Gerzensee (Svizzera), 4-15 luglio 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Argentesi E.; Ivaldi M., Market Definition in the Printed Media Industry: Theory and Practice, «CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC POLICY RESEARCH DISCUSSION PAPERS», 2005, 5096 [Scientific article]
A. GARDINI; M. COSTA; S. IEZZI, Latent class models in financial data analysis, «STATISTICA», 2005, 65, pp. 41 - 60 [Scientific article] Open Access
M. E. Bontempi; R. Golinelli; S. Giannini, Corporate Tax Reforms and Financial Choices: An Empirical Analysis, «GIORNALE DEGLI ECONOMISTI E ANNALI DI ECONOMIA», 2005, 64(2/3), pp. 271 - 294 [Scientific article]
R. Golinelli; G. Parigi, Short-Run Italian GDP Forecasting and Real-Time Data, «CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC POLICY RESEARCH DISCUSSION PAPERS», 2005, 5302, pp. 1 - 41 [Scientific article]
M. Mazzanti; A. Montini, The Determinants of Residential Water Demand. Empirical evidence for a panel of Italian municipalities, 2005. [Research monograph]
Pier Giorgio Ardeni; Antonio Andracchio, Consumption Poverty and Functioning Deprivation in Bosnia Herzegovina, «TRANSITION STUDIES REVIEW», 2005, XII, N.1, 2005, pp. 110 - 135 [Scientific article]
Casari M.; S.J. Wilkie, Sequencing lifeline repairs after an earthquake: an economic approach, «JOURNAL OF REGULATORY ECONOMICS», 2005, 27 (1), pp. 47 - 65 [Scientific article]
Casari M., On the design of peer punishment experiments, «EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS», 2005, 8 (2), pp. 107 - 115 [Scientific article]
Minerva G. A., Location and Product Differentiation in a Duopoly with Externalities, «ECONOMIA POLITICA», 2005, 22, pp. 217 - 234 [Scientific article]
P. Figini, La politica economica della globalizzazione, «SISTEMA ECONOMICO», 2005, 10(2-3), pp. 3 - 21 [Scientific article]