Recent publications
Publications produced in the last two years
Agliardi, E; Krupin, A, Capital Structure of Innovative Companies in BRICS Countries, «KORPORATIVNYE FINANSY», 2019, 13, pp. 71 - 93 [Scientific article] Open Access
Massimo Fornasari, Lorenzo Tanzini, 1345, la bancarotta di Firenze. Una storia di banchieri, fallimenti e finanza, Roma (Salerno) 2018 (Aculei 29), 170 pp., «QUELLEN UND FORSCHUNGEN AUS ITALIENISCHEN ARCHIVEN UND BIBLIOTHEKEN», 2019, 99, pp. 654 - 655 [Review]
Dincecco M.; Fenske J.; Onorato Massimiliano Gaetano, Is Africa Different? Historical Conflict and State Development, «ECONOMIC HISTORY OF DEVELOPING REGIONS», 2019, 34, pp. 209 - 250 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mazzaferro, C. ; Toso, S.; Baldini, M., La pensione di cittadinanza. Un'occasione persa?, «LA RIVISTA DELLE POLITICHE SOCIALI», 2019, 3, pp. 63 - 83 [Scientific article]
Jaakkola N.; van der Ploeg F., Non-cooperative and cooperative climate policies with anticipated breakthrough technology, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT», 2019, 97, pp. 42 - 66 [Scientific article]
Jaakkola N.; Spiro D.; van Benthem A.A., Finders, keepers?, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS», 2019, 169, pp. 17 - 33 [Scientific article]
Jaakkola N., Carbon taxation, OPEC and the end of oil, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT», 2019, 94, pp. 101 - 117 [Scientific article]
Michele Costa, The evaluation of gender income inequality by means of the Gini index decomposition, in: Working papers DSE, Bologna, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, 2019, pp. 1 - 26 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE) [Chapter or essay]
Guerra A.; Luppi B.; Parisi F., Standards of proof and civil litigation: A game-theoretic analysis, «THE B.E. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL ECONOMICS», 2019, 19, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guerra A.; Luppi B.; Parisi F., Productive and unproductive competition: a unified framework, «ECONOMIA POLITICA», 2019, 36, pp. 785 - 804 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ferraresi M.; Galmarini U.; Rizzo L.; Zanardi A., Switch toward tax centralization in Italy: a wake-up for the local political budget cycle, «INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE», 2019, 26, pp. 872 - 898 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ceriani, V; Liberati, P; Melis, G; Sestito, P; Zanardi, A; Visco, V, A BRIEFING FOR A TAX SYSTEM REFORM: DISCUSSION AND AUTHOR'S REPLY, IN ITALIAN, «POLITICA ECONOMICA», 2019, 35, pp. 395 - 442 [Scientific article]
Coviello, Decio; Ichino, Andrea; Persico, Nicola;, Measuring the gain from labor specialization, «THE JOURNAL OF LAW & ECONOMICS», 2019, 62, pp. 403 - 426 [Scientific article]
Stefano Toso, Massimo Baldini, Giovanni Gallo, Lorenzo Lusignoli, "Le politiche per l'assistenza: il reddito di cittadinanza", in: La finanza pubblica italiana. Rapporto 219, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019, pp. 81 - 113 [Chapter or essay]
p. battilani; d. bagnaresi, Questa casa è un albergo»: quotidianità, trasmissione di competenze e passaggio generazionale in due destinazioni mature, in: Hotelpersonal: Lebens und Arbeitsalltag im Dienste des Tourismus / / Il personale alberghiero: Vita quotidiana e lavoro nel settore turistico, Innsbruck, Studien Verlag, 2019, pp. 235 - 253 [Chapter or essay]
Dari-Mattiacci G.; Guerriero C., Divergence and convergence at the intersection of property and contract, «SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW», 2019, 92, pp. 809 - 850 [Scientific article]
Boranbay S.; Guerriero C., Endogenous (in)formal institutions, «JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS», 2019, 47, pp. 921 - 945 [Scientific article]
Martin Forster; Emanuela Randon, Do lottery operators exploit their lottery power? Efficiency and equality considerations in optimal lottery design, Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Universita di Bologna, 2019, pp. 22 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE). [Research monograph] Open Access
Zanardi Alberto, Regionalismo differenziato e coordinamento della finanza pubblica, in: Regionalismo differenziato e coordinamento della finanza pubblica, Padova, CLEUP Soc. Coop., 2019, pp. 39 - 48 [Chapter or essay]
Enrico Santarelli, David Audretsch: A Source of Inspiration, a Co-author, and a Friend, in: From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship. A Tribute do David B. Audretsch, Heidelberg, Springer, 2019, pp. 121 - 124 [Chapter or essay]