Recent publications
Publications produced in the last two years
Longobardi E.; Pollastri C.; Zanardi A., Towards a reform of the italian personal income tax: The progressive average tax rate as a continuous function, «POLITICA ECONOMICA», 2020, 36, pp. 141 - 158 [Scientific article] Open Access
Francesca Barigozzi; Cesare Di Timoteo; Chiara Monfardini, Italian Families in the 21st Century: Gender Gaps in Time Use and their Evolution, in: Quaderni - Working Paper DSE N°1149, Bologna, Università di Bologna-Department of Economics, 2020, pp. 1 - 49 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE) [Chapter or essay]
Maggian, Valeria; Montinari, Natalia; Nicolò, Antonio, Do quotas help women to climb the career ladder? A laboratory experiment, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2020, 123, pp. 103390 - 103423 [Scientific article] Open Access
Diana Chise; Margherita Fort; Chiara Monfardini, Scientifico! like Dad: On the Intergenerational Transmission of STEM Education in Italy, in: IZA Discussion Paper No. 12688, Bonn, IZA Institute of Labour Economics, 2020, pp. 1 - 54 (IZA DISCUSSION PAPER) [Chapter or essay]
A. Stacchini, A. Guizzardi, M. Costa, Modelling perceived value as a driver of tourism development, Munich, Munich University Library, 2020, pp. 24 . [Research monograph]
Battilani, Patrizia; Bagnaresi, Davide, La spiaggia come luogo di produzione e di consumo: dal modello informale ottocentesco a quello taylorista del periodo fra le due guerre | Social practices and organizational models of mass tourism: Riccione’s “Taylorist” beach, «ITALIA CONTEMPORANEA», 2020, 294, pp. 11 - 45 [Scientific article]
Patrizia Battilani; Donatella Strangio, Tourism as a Tool for Territorial Cohesion: The Cassa per il Mezzogiorno in Italy During the 1950s, in: Inter and Post-war Tourism in Western Europe, 1916-1960, London, Palgrave macmillan, 2020, pp. 159 - 176 [Chapter or essay]
Patrizia Battilani; Francesca Fauri, Marshall Plan Help to the Airline Sector and its Impact on the Development of Tourism in the Italian Regions, in: Transformative Recovery? The European Recovery Program (ERP)/Marshall Plan in European Tourism, Innsbruck, Innsbruck University Press, 2020, pp. 91 - 116 [Chapter or essay]
Stephanie Heger; Robert Slonim, Ellen Garbarino, Daniel Waller, Carmen Wang, Redesigning the Market for Volunteers: A Donor Registry, «MANAGEMENT SCIENCE», 2020, 66, pp. 3528 - 3541 [Scientific article] Open Access
Romain Gauriot; Stephanie Heger; Robert Slonim, Altruism or Diminishing Marginal Utility?, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2020, 180, pp. 24 - 48 [Scientific article] Open Access
Massari, Filippo; Newton, Jonathan, When does ambiguity fade away?, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2020, 194, pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article] Open Access
Dindo, Pietro; Massari, Filippo, The wisdom of the crowd in dynamic economies, «THEORETICAL ECONOMICS», 2020, 15, pp. 1627 - 1668 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fella G; Frache S; Koeniger W, Buffer-Stock Saving and Households’Response to Income Shocks, «INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2020, 61, pp. 1359 - 1382 [Scientific article] Open Access
De Nardi M; Fella G; Paz-Pardo G, Nonlinear household earnings dynamics, self-insurance, and welfare, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2020, 18, pp. 890 - 926 [Scientific article] Open Access
Paba, S.; Solinas, G.; Bonacini, L.; Fareri, S., Robot, ict e globalizzazione: gli effetti sui sistemi locali del lavoro in Italia, «L'INDUSTRIA», 2020, 41, pp. 71 - 100 [Scientific article]
Levine D K; Mattozzi A, Voter Turnout with Peer Punishment, «THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2020, 110, pp. 3298 - 3314 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bonacini Luca, Giovanni Gallo, Sergio Scicchitano, L’altra faccia dello smart working, «MENABÒ DI ETICA ED ECONOMIA», 2020, 137, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article] Open Access
Luca Bonacini; Eleonora Costantini, L'immigrazione tra politiche umanitarie e politiche securitarie: che fine ha fatto l'integrazione?, «MENABÒ DI ETICA ED ECONOMIA», 2020, 135, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article] Open Access
Maselko Joanna; Sikander Siham; Turner Elizabeth L; Bates Lisa M; Ahmad Ikhlaq; Atif Najia; Baranov Victoria; Bhalotra Sonia; Bibi Amina; Bibi Tayyaba; Bilal Samina; Biroli P; Chung Esther; Gallis John A; Hagaman Ashley; Jamil Anam; LeMasters Katherine; O'Donnell Karen; Scherer Elissa; Sharif Maria; Waqas Ahmed; Zaidi Ahmed; Zulfiqar Shaffaq; Rahman Atif, Effectiveness of a peer-delivered, psychosocial intervention on maternal depression and child development at 3 years postnatal: a cluster randomised trial in Pakistan, «THE LANCET. PSYCHIATRY», 2020, 7, pp. 775 - 787 [Scientific article] Open Access
Baranov V; Bhalotra S; Biroli P; Maselko J, Maternal Depression, Women's Empowerment, and Parental Investment: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial, «THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2020, 110, pp. 824 - 859 [Scientific article] Open Access