Recent publications
Publications produced in the last two years
Bottazzi R.; Trucchi S.; Wakefield M., Labour supply responses to financial wealth shocks: evidence from Italy, «FISCAL STUDIES», 2021, 42, pp. 291 - 317 [Scientific article] Open Access
Francesca Fauri, Shifting Tides: 120 Years of Migratory Flows between Italy and Tunisia, «THE JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN ECONOMIC HISTORY», 2021, 1, pp. 73 - 95 [Scientific article]
Fauri F., The Italian State's active support for the aeronautical industry: The case of the Caproni Group, 1910-1951, «BUSINESS HISTORY REVIEW», 2021, 95, pp. 219 - 247 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bürker, Matthias; Mammi, Irene; Minerva, G. Alfredo, Civic capital and service outsourcing: Evidence from Italy, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2021, 138, pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article] Open Access
Gunes Gokmen, Tommaso Nannicini, Massimiliano Gaetano Onorato, Chris Papageorgiou, Policies in Hard Times: Assessing the Impact of Financial Crises on Structural Reforms, «ECONOMIC JOURNAL», 2021, 131, pp. 2529 - 2552 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ghidoni R.; Ploner M., When do the expectations of others matter? Experimental evidence on distributional justice and guilt aversion, «THEORY AND DECISION», 2021, 91, pp. 189 - 234 [Scientific article] Open Access
Corrado Benassi, Alessandra Chirco, Caterina Colombo, Efficiency of bilateral delegationin a mixed Cournot duopoly, «METROECONOMICA», 2021, 72, pp. 493 - 508 [Scientific article] Open Access
Calvano E.; Calzolari G.; Denicolo V.; Pastorello S., Algorithmic collusion with imperfect monitoring, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION», 2021, 79, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Stephanie Assad, Emilio Calvano, Giacomo Calzolari, Robert Clark, Vincenzo Denicolò, Daniel Ershov, Justin Johnson, Sergio Pastorello, Andrew Rhodes, Lei Xu, Matthijs Wildenbeest, Autonomous algorithmic collusion: Economic research and policy implications, «OXFORD REVIEW OF ECONOMIC POLICY», 2021, 37, pp. 459 - 478 [Scientific article] Open Access
Patrizia Battilani , Alessia Mariotti , Maria Giulia Silvagni, I “paesaggi d’arte” come prodotto turistico fra co- costruzione e partecipazione pubblica. Il progetto RECOLOR | “Landscapes of art” as tourism products. RECOLOR project between co-construction and public participation, in: Oltre la convenzione. Pensare, studiare, costruire il paesaggio vent’anni dopo., Firenze, Società di Studi Geografici, 2021, pp. 151 - 163 [Chapter or essay] Open Access
Elettra Agliardi; Rossella Agliardi, Corporate green bonds: understanding the greenium in a two-factor structural model, «ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS», 2021, 80, pp. 257 - 278 [Scientific article] Open Access
Paolo Figini; Lorenzo Zirulia; Anastasia Arabadzhyan, Hotels, prices and risk premium in exceptional times: The case of Milan hotels during the first COVID-19 outbreak, «ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH EMPIRICAL INSIGHTS», 2021, 2, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Pauline Affeldt; Elena Argentesi; Lapo Filistrucchi, Estimating Demand with Multi-Homing in Two-Sided Markets, in: WORKING PAPER DSE, Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università di Bologna, 2021, pp. 1 - 46 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE) [Chapter or essay]
Agliardi, E; Spanjers, W., Ambiguity in financing corporate mitigation policies, in: Handbook of Sustainable Politics and Economics of natural Resources, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, pp. 349 - 365 [Chapter or essay]
Baer, Moritz; Campiglio, Emanuele; Deyris, Jérôme, It takes two to dance: Institutional dynamics and climate-related financial policies, «ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS», 2021, 190, pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cahen-Fourot, Louison; Campiglio, Emanuele; Godin, Antoine; Kemp-Benedict, Eric; Trsek, Stefan, Capital stranding cascades: The impact of decarbonisation on productive asset utilisation, «ENERGY ECONOMICS», 2021, 103, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carter, Timothy R.; Benzie, Magnus; Campiglio, Emanuele; Carlsen, Henrik; Fronzek, Stefan; Hildén, Mikael; Reyer, Christopher P.O.; West, Chris, A conceptual framework for cross-border impacts of climate change, «GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS», 2021, 69, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Michele Costa, The assessment of environmental and income inequalities, in: Book of Short Papers SIS 2021, Pearson, 2021, pp. 1119 - 1124 (atti di: 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical, Pisa, 21-25 June 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Michele Costa, The Gini index decomposition and the overlapping between population subgroups, in: Gini Inequality Index: Methods and Applications, London, Routledge CRC Press, 2021, pp. 63 - 91 [Chapter or essay]
Massimo Fornasari, Un'alta banca di provincia. Bologna e i suoi banchieri alla metà dell'Ottocento, in: Borghesie nazionali, borghesie cosmopolite. Banca privata, finanza, reti (Italia, secoli XIII-XX)., Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2021, pp. 39 - 58 (TEMI DI STORIA) [Chapter or essay]