All publications
All publications since 2004
Barigozzi M; Garlaschelli D; Fagiolo G, Multinetwork of international trade: A commodity-specific analysis, «PHYSICAL REVIEW E, STATISTICAL, NONLINEAR, AND SOFT MATTER PHYSICS», 2010, 81, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]
Campiglio E, Con il mondo sulle spalle. Questioni globali e limiti alla crescita, Pavia, OMP, 2010, pp. 180 . [Research monograph]
E. Bacchiocchi; F. Montobbio, International knowledge diffusion and home-bias effect : do USPTO & EPO patent citations tell the same story?, «SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS», 2010, 112, pp. 441 - 470 [Scientific article]
Barone G; de Blasio G, Il capitale sociale, in: Il Mezzogiorno e la politica economica dell’Italia, 2010, pp. 17 - 24 (atti di: Il Mezzogiorno e la politica economica dell'Italia, Roma, 26/11/2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bottazzi Renata; Crossley Thomas; Wakefield Matthew, How do Housing Price Booms and Busts Affect Home Ownership for Different Birth Cohorts?, Fareham, National Housing and Planning Advice Unit, 2010, pp. 47 . [Research monograph]
Anna Soci; Enrico Cantoni; Mauro Staiano (trad.): Essenziale di economia, Milano, The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. Publishing Group Italia, 2010, pp. 432
. Opera originale: Autore: Stanley L. Brue; Campbell R. McConnell; Sean M. Flynn - Titolo: Essentials of Economics [Book (translation)] -
Mattozzi A, Policy Uncertainty, Electoral Securities, and Redistribution, «INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2010, 51, pp. 45 - 71 [Scientific article]
Herrera H; Mattozzi A, Quorum and Turnout in Referenda, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2010, 8, pp. 838 - 871 [Scientific article]
Galasso V; Landi M; Mattozzi A; Merlo A, The Labor Market of Italian Politicians, in: The Ruling Class: Management and Politics in Modern Italy,, - GBR, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 9 - 95 [Chapter or essay]
Galasso V; Landi M; Mattozzi A; Merlo A, Il Mercato Del Lavoro Dei Politici, in: Classe dirigente. L'intreccio tra business e politica, MILANO - ITA, EGEA Universita' Bocconi Editore, 2010, pp. 11 - 82 [Chapter or essay]
Buti Marco; Turrini Alessandro; Van den Noord Paul; Biroli P, Reforms and re-elections in OECD countries, «ECONOMIC POLICY», 2010, 25, pp. 61 - 116 [Scientific article]
Rose J.M.; Masiero L., A comparison of the impacts of aspects of prospect theory on WTP/WTA estimated in preference and WTP/WTA space, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH», 2010, 10, pp. 330 - 346 [Scientific article]
Masiero L.; Hensher D.A., Analyzing loss aversion and diminishing sensitivity in a freight transport stated choice experiment, «TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH. PART A, POLICY AND PRACTICE», 2010, 44, pp. 349 - 358 [Scientific article]
Zoltan, J., Maggi, R., What is Tourism in Dental Tourism?, in: Health, Wellness and Tourism: healthy tourists, healthy business? Travel and Tourism Association Europe 2010 Annual Conference Proceedings, 2010, pp. 424 - 440 (atti di: Travel and Tourism Association Europe, Budapest, Ungheria, 1-3, Settembre, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]