All publications
All publications since 2004
Angelini, Giovanni; Fanelli, Luca, Exogenous uncertainty and the identification of Structural Vector Autoregressions with external instruments, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS», 2019, 34, pp. 951 - 971 [Scientific article] Open Access
M. Costa, The evaluation of the inequality between population subgroups, in: New Statistical Developments in Data Science, Cham, Springer Nature, 2019, pp. 293 - 304 [Chapter or essay]
di Pietro, Filippo; Bontempi, Maria Elena; Palacín-Sánchez, María-José; Samaniego-Medina, Reyes, Capital Structure across Italian Regions: The Role of Financial and Economic Differences, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2019, 11, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guiso, Luigi; Herrera, Helios; Morelli, Massimo; Sonno, Tommaso, Global crises and populism: the role of Eurozone institutions, «ECONOMIC POLICY», 2019, 34, pp. 95 - 139 [Scientific article]
Cristina Ugolini; Matteo Lippi Bruni, Gianluca Fiorentini, Anna Caterina Leucci, Maria Luisa Moro, Elena Berti, Lucia Nobilio, Disease management in diabetes care: When involving GPs improves patient compliance and health outcomes, «HEALTH POLICY», 2019, 123, pp. 955 - 962 [Scientific article] Open Access
F. Barigozzi, H. Cremer, C. Monfardini, The gender gap in informal child care: theory and some evidence from Italy, «ECONOMIA ITALIANA», 2019, 2019/3, pp. 37 - 71 [Scientific article] Open Access
F. Barigozzi, P. Tedeschi, On the Credibility of Ethical Banking, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2019, 166, pp. 381 - 402 [Scientific article]
Luigi Alberto Franzoni, Legal Change in the Face of Risk-Averse Subjects: A Generalization of the Theory, «AMERICAN LAW AND ECONOMICS REVIEW», 2019, 21, pp. 394 - 430 [Scientific article] Open Access
Elena Argentesi, Paolo Buccirossi, Emilio Calvano, Tomaso Duso, Alessia Marrazzo, Salvatore Nava, Merger Policy in Digital Markets: An Ex-Post Assessment, in: CEPR Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Papers, London, CEPR Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2019, pp. 1 - 47 (DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES) [Chapter or essay]
Lambertini L.; Pignataro G., On the social (sub)optimality of divisionalization under product differentiation, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS», 2019, 128, pp. 225 - 238 [Scientific article] Open Access
Agliardi, Elettra; Agliardi, Rossella, Financing environmentally-sustainable projects with green bonds, «ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS», 2019, 24, pp. 608 - 623 [Scientific article]
D'Aversa, Iris; Lee, J.; Tavoni, A., Delegation and Public Pressure in a Threshold Public Goods Game, «ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS», 2019, 74, pp. 1331 - 1353 [Scientific article]
Barigozzi M; Hallin M; Soccorsi S, Identification of Global and Local Shocks in International Financial Markets via General Dynamic Factor Models, «JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS», 2019, 17, pp. 462 - 494 [Scientific article]
Barigozzi M; Brownlees C, NETS: Network Estimation for Time Series, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS», 2019, 34, pp. 347 - 364 [Scientific article]
Agliardi, Elettra; Xepapadeas, Anastasios, Introduction: Special Issue on the Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability, «ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS», 2019, 72, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]
Gaston Llanes, Andrea Mantovani, Francisco Ruiz-Aliseda, Entry into Complementary Good Markets with Network Effects, «STRATEGY SCIENCE», 2019, 4, pp. 262 - 282 [Scientific article]
Cervellati M.; Meyerheim G.; Sunde U., The timing of the demographic transition and economic growth, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2019, 181, pp. 43 - 46 [Scientific article]
Scorcu, A. E.; Vici, L.; Zanola, R., Capitale umano e indici di lettura al tempo della crisi, in: AAVV, Sfida al futuro. La lettura e la capacità di competere del Paese. Materiali per una discussione, Milano, Associazione Italiana Editori, 2019, pp. 63 - 87 [Chapter or essay]
Annarita FERRANTE, Fabrizio UNGARO, Giovanni SEMPRINI, Lorna DRAGONETTI, Elettra AGLIARDI, Anastasia FOTOPOULOU,, Deep renovation up to zero energy through Add-ons: the ABRACADABRA Project, in: 20th Congress of IABSE, New York City 2019: The Evolving Metropolis, Report, Zurich, IABSE, 2019, 114, pp. 252 - 262 (atti di: 2019 IABSE Congress, New York City, September 4-6, 2019 The Evolving Metropolis, New York City, September 4-6, 2019) [Contribution to conference proceedings] Open Access