All publications
All publications since 2004
Shreedhar, Ganga; Tavoni, Alessandro; Marchiori, Carmen, Monitoring and punishment networks in an experimental common pool resource dilemma, «ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS», 2020, 25, pp. 66 - 94 [Scientific article] Open Access
Barigozzi M; Hallin M, Generalized Dynamic Factor Models and Volatilities: Consistency, Rates, and Prediction Intervals, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2020, 216, pp. 4 - 34 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carattini, Stefano; Gosnell, Greer; Tavoni, Alessandro, How developed countries can learn from developing countries to tackle climate change, «WORLD DEVELOPMENT», 2020, 127, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article] Open Access
Monasterolo, I.; De Angelis, L., Blind to carbon risk? An analysis of stock market reaction to the Paris Agreement, «ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS», 2020, 170, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Burani N.; Mantovani A., Non-linear pricing and conscious consumption, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION», 2020, 68, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lambertini, Luca; Pignataro, Giuseppe; Tampieri, Alessandro, The effects of environmental quality misperception on investments and regulation, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS», 2020, 225, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fuchs-Schundeln, N.; Masella, P.; Paule-Paludkiewicz, H., Cultural Determinants of Household Saving Behavior, «JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING», 2020, 52, pp. 1035 - 1070 [Scientific article] Open Access
Dragone Davide; Strulik Holger, Negligible senescence: An economic life cycle model for the future., «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2020, 171, pp. 264 - 285 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carriero, Andrea; Clark, Todd E.; Marcellino, Massimiliano, Assessing International Commonality in Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Its Effects, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS», 2020, 35, pp. 273 - 293 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bellettini G.; Roberti P., Politicians’ coherence and government debt, «PUBLIC CHOICE», 2020, 182, pp. 73 - 91 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cellini R.; Lambertini L.; Ottaviano G.I.P., Strategic inattention, delegation and endogenous market structure, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2020, 121, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article] Open Access
Barigozzi, Matteo; Lippi, Marco; Luciani, Matteo, Cointegration and Error Correction Mechanisms for Singular Stochastic Vectors, «ECONOMETRICS», 2020, 8, pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article] Open Access
Calsamiglia, Caterina; Loviglio, Annalisa, Maturity and school outcomes in an inflexible system: evidence from Catalonia, «SERIES», 2020, 11, pp. 1 - 49 [Scientific article] Open Access
Boel P. , G. Camera, Monetary Equilibrium and the Cost of Banking Activity, «JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING», 2020, 52, pp. 653 - 683 [Scientific article]
Camera, G.; C., Deck; David, Porter, Do economic inequalities affect long-run cooperation & prosperity?, «EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS», 2020, 23, pp. 53 - 83 [Scientific article]
Viola Angelini; Alessandro Bucciol; Matthew Wakefield; Guglielmo Weber, Can Temptation Explain Housing Choices over the Life Cycle?, «MANCHESTER SCHOOL», 2020, 88, pp. 229 - 261 [Scientific article] Open Access
Paolo Manasse, Graziano Moramarco, Giulio Trigilia, Exchange Rates and Political Uncertainty: The Brexit Case, Bologna, Dipartimento Scienze Economiche - Università di Bologna, 2020, pp. 57 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE). [Research monograph] Open Access
Emili S.; Figini P.; Guizzardi A., Modelling international monthly tourism demand at the micro destination level with climate indicators and web-traffic data, «TOURISM ECONOMICS», 2020, 26, pp. 1129 - 1151 [Scientific article] Open Access
Andrea Guizzardi, Giovanni Angelini, Flavio Maria Emanuele Pons, Does advance booking matter in hedonic pricing? A new multivariate approach, «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH», 2020, 22, pp. 277 - 288 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guerriero C., Endogenous Institutions and Economic Outcomes, «ECONOMICA», 2020, 87, pp. 364 - 405 [Scientific article] Open Access