All publications
All publications since 2004
Kumari, Binita; Ayad, Hicham; Fatih, Chellai; Matuka, Adelajda; Mishra, Pradeep; Vani, G. K., Impact of agricultural exports segmentation on Economic growth in India, «INDIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT (LUDHIANA)», 2022, 18, pp. 163 - 168 [Scientific article]
Hasan Adil, Masudul; Hussain, Rafiq; Matuka, Adelajda, Interest rate sensitivity of demand for money and effectiveness of monetary policy: fresh evidence from combined cointegration test and ARDL approach, «SN BUSINESS & ECONOMICS», 2022, 2, pp. 65 - 89 [Scientific article]
Tavoni, Alessandro; Winkler, Ralph, Domestic Pressure and International Climate Cooperation, «ANNUAL REVIEW OF RESOURCE ECONOMICS», 2021, 13, pp. 225 - 243 [Scientific article] Open Access
Ferretti, R.; Pattitoni, P.; Patuelli, R., Insider Trading and the Market Abuse Directive: Are Voluntary and Mandatory Takeover Bids Different?, «ITALIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL», 2021, 7, pp. 461 - 485 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bagnaresi D.; Barbini F.M.; Battilani P., Organizational change in the hospitality industry: The change drivers in a longitudinal analysis, «BUSINESS HISTORY», 2021, 63, pp. 1175 - 1196 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cherubini, U.; Mulinacci, S., Extensions and distortions of λ-fuzzy measures, «FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS», 2021, 412, pp. 27 - 40 [Scientific article] Open Access
Matteo Barigozzi; Marco Lippi; Matteo Luciani, Large-Dimensional Dynamic Factor Models: Estimation of Impulse-Response Functions with I(1) Cointegrated Factors, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2021, 221, pp. 455 - 482 [Scientific article] Open Access
Matteo Barigozzi; Marc Hallin; Stefano Soccorsi; Rainer von Sachs, Time-Varying General Dynamic Factor Models and the Measurement of Financial Connectedness, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2021, 222, pp. 324 - 343 [Scientific article] Open Access
Elena Argentesi; Paolo Buccirossi; Emilio Calvano, Tomaso Duso, Alessia Marrazzo, Salvatore Nava, Merger Policy in Digital Markets: An Ex-Post Assessment, «JOURNAL OF COMPETITION LAW & ECONOMICS», 2021, 17, pp. 95 - 140 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cherubini, U.; Mulinacci, S., Hierarchical Archimedean Dependence in Common Shock Models, «METHODOLOGY AND COMPUTING IN APPLIED PROBABILITY», 2021, 23, pp. 143 - 163 [Scientific article] Open Access
Semieniuk G.; Campiglio E.; Mercure J.-F.; Volz U.; Edwards N.R., Low-carbon transition risks for finance, «WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS. CLIMATE CHANGE», 2021, 12, pp. 1 - 24 [Scientific article] Open Access
Arabadzhyan A.; Figini P.; Garcia C.; Gonzalez M.M.; Lam-Gonzalez Y.E.; Leon C.J., Climate change, coastal tourism, and impact chains–a literature review, «CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM», 2021, 24, pp. 2233 - 2268 [Scientific article] Open Access
Scorcu A.E.; Vici L.; Zanola R., To fake or not to fake: An empirical investigation on the fine art market, «JOURNAL OF CULTURAL ECONOMICS», 2021, 45, pp. 143 - 152 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chen Y.-F.; Naghavi A.; Peng S.-K., Learning by supplying and competition threat, «REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS», 2021, 157, pp. 121 - 148 [Scientific article] Open Access
Argentesi, Elena; Banal-Estañol, Albert; Seldeslachts, Jo, A Retrospective Evaluation of the GDF/Suez Merger: Effects on the Belgian Gas Hub, «THE ENERGY JOURNAL», 2021, 42, pp. 199 - 228 [Scientific article] Open Access
Tran, Hien Thu; Santarelli, Enrico, Successful Transition to a Market Economy: An Interpretation From Organizational Ecology Theory and Institutional Theory, «INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE», 2021, 30, pp. 652 - 677 [Scientific article] Open Access
Mantovani Andrea, Piga Claudio, Reggiani Carlo, Online platform price parity clauses: Evidence from the EU case, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2021, 131, pp. 1 - 27 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fauri Francesca, Mantovani Debora, Strangio Donatella (a cura di): Francesca Fauri, Debora Mantovani, Donatella Strangio, Helena Winiarska, Aniko Bernat, Pedro Gois, José Carlos Marques, Paolo Tedeschi, Patrizia Battilani, Anna Attias, Giancarlo Gasperoni, Francesca Tosi, Eleonora Vlach, Economic and Social Perspectives on European Migration, London and New York, Routledge, 2021, pp. 235 (ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN LABOUR ECONOMICS). [Editorship]
Fauri Francesca, Mantovani Debora, Strangio Donatella, Migrants in Europe: From a production factor to social actors, in: Economic and Social Perspectives on European Migration, London and New York, Routledge, 2021, pp. 14 - 24 (ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN LABOUR ECONOMICS) [Chapter or essay]
Delbono, Flavio; Zamagni, Stefano, Sull'insegnamento dell'economia politica in Italia, «NUOVA SECONDARIA», 2021, 38, pp. 64 - 68 [Scientific article]