All publications
All publications since 2004
Catola M.; D'Alessandro S.; Guarnieri P.; Pizziol V., Multilevel public goods game: Levelling up, substitution and crowding-in effects, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY», 2023, 97, pp. 102626 - 102636 [Scientific article]
Bortolotti, Stefania; Soraperra, Ivan; Sutter, Matthias; Zoller, Claudia, Too Lucky to be True: Fairness views under the shadow of cheating, «THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2023, online first, pp. 1 - 45 [Scientific article] Open Access
Jacopo Bonchi, Asset price bubbles and monetary policy: Revisiting the nexus at the zero lower bound, «REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS», 2023, 47, pp. 186 - 203 [Scientific article] Open Access
Bontempi, MARIA ELENA; Makarova, Svetlana; Bharta, Stanilaw, Economic uncertainty measures, experts and ChatGPT, in: CFE-CMStatistics 2023: programme & abstracts, Bologna, 2023, pp. 1 - 16 (atti di: 17th International Conference Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2023), HTW Berlin, University of Applied Science, 16-18 December 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bontempi, MARIA ELENA; Bottazzi, Laura, Heterogeneity of covenants violations and corporate financial behaviour, in: CFE-CMStatistics 2023: programme & abstracts, 2023, pp. 175 - 175 (atti di: 17th International Conference Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2023), HTW Berlin, University of Applied Science, 16-18 December 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Hussain S.; Ali R.; Emam W.; Tashkandy Y.; Mishra P.; Fahlevi M.; Matuka A., Economic Policy Uncertainty and Firm Value: Impact of Investment Sentiments in Energy and Petroleum, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2023, 15, pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article] Open Access
Masiero, Lorenzo; Zoltan, Judit, Transportation in Tourism, in: Jafari, J., Xiao, H., Encyclopedia of Tourism, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 1 - 3 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
Guido Candela, Massimiliano Castellani, Antonello E. Scorcu, Back to Tinbergen and Theil: A Model of Conflict Resolution for Policy Games, «POLITICA ECONOMICA», 2023, XXXIX, pp. 91 - 120 [Scientific article]
Judit Zoltan, Green Transition through requalification of a coastal destination, in: Abstracts_Vienna 2023 European Tourism, 2023, pp. 6 - 6 (atti di: European Tourism Research in the Age of Sustainability and Technology, Vienna, Austria, September, 2023) [Abstract]
Montalvo-Puente C.E.; Lago G.; Cardarelli L.; Perez-Molina J.C., Money or ingots? Metrological research on pre-contact Ecuadorian “axe-monies”, «JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS», 2023, 49, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Lago G.; Cianfoni M.; Scacchetti F.; Pellegrini L.; La Torre A., Breaking sickles for shaping money. Testing the accuracy of weight-based fragmentation, «JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS», 2023, 49, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carbonara, Emanuela; Carbonara, Umberto Michele; Santarelli, Enrico, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF LAW AND THE PROTECTION OF ANIMAL RIGHTS: JUDGE POSNER AND THE PATH TO SUCCESSFUL LAWMAKING, «HISTORY OF ECONOMIC IDEAS», 2023, 31, pp. 253 - 267 [Scientific article]
Briscese, Guglielmo; Lacetera, Nicola; Macis, Mario; Tonin, Mirco, Expectations, reference points, and compliance with COVID-19 social distancing measures, «JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS», 2023, 103, pp. 1 - 21 [Scientific article] Open Access
Briscese, Guglielmo; Lacetera, Nicola; Macis, Mario; Tonin, Mirco, The Drivers of Compliance with Social-Distancing Measures at the Time of Covid-19, in: Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, New York, Springer, 2023, pp. 1 - 12 [Chapter or essay]
von Dulong, Angelika; Gard-Murray, Alexander; Hagen, Achim; Jaakkola, Niko; Sen, Suphi, Stranded Assets: Research Gaps and Implications for Climate Policy, «REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND POLICY», 2023, 17, pp. 161 - 169 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lanzara, G.; Santacesaria, M., Market areas in general equilibrium, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY», 2023, 211, pp. 1 - 54 [Scientific article] Open Access
Guido Caselli, Michele Costa, Flavio Delbono,, What do cooperative firms maximize, if at all? Evidence from Emilia-Romagna in the pre-Covid decade, «ANNALS OF PUBLIC AND COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS», 2022, 93, pp. 821 - 847 [Scientific article] Open Access
Demetrescu, Matei; Georgiev, Iliyan; Rodrigues, Paulo M. M.; Taylor, A. M. Robert, Testing for episodic predictability in stock returns, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS», 2022, 227, pp. 85 - 113 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cavaliere, Giuseppe; Nielsen, Morten Ørregaard; Robert Taylor, A. M., Adaptive Inference in Heteroscedastic Fractional Time Series Models, «JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS», 2022, 40, pp. 50 - 65 [Scientific article] Open Access
Tran, Hien Thu; Santarelli, Enrico; Wei, William X., Open innovation knowledge management in transition to market economy: integrating dynamic capability and institutional theory, «ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY», 2022, 31, pp. 575 - 603 [Scientific article] Open Access