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All publications since 2004
A. Majocchi; E. Bacchiocchi; U. Mayrhofer, Firm size, business experience and export intensity in SMEs : a longitudinal approach to complex relationship, «INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW», 2005, 14, pp. 719 - 738 [Scientific article]
BACCHIOCCHI E; FLORIO M.; GRASSENI M., The missing shock: the macroeconomic impact of British privatizations, «APPLIED ECONOMICS», 2005, 37, pp. 1585 - 1596 [Scientific article]
Fella G, Termination restrictions and investment in general training, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2005, 44, pp. 1473 - 1490 [Scientific article]
Dagum, C.; Costa, Michele, Analysis and measurement of poverty. Univariate and multivariate approaches and their policy implications. A case study: Italy, in: DAGUM C.; FERRARI G., Household Behaviour, Equivalence Scales and Well-Being, BERLIN, SPRINGER-VERLAG, 2004, pp. 221 - 271 (contributions to statistics) [Chapter or essay]
Zanardi, Alberto, Federalismo fiscale: conflittualità e vincoli all’autonomia, in: ZANARDI A.; GUERRA M.C., La finanza pubblica italiana – Rapporto 2004, BOLOGNA, Il mulino, 2004, pp. 151 - 189 [Chapter or essay]
Mazzaferro, Carlo; Toso, Stefano, Il sistema italiano di welfare tra esigenze di riforma e segnali di discontinuità, in: La finanza pubblica italiana. Rapporto 2004, BOLGNA, Il Mulino, 2004, pp. 59 - 86 [Chapter or essay]
Fiorentini, Gianluca; Antonazzo, E.; Grilli, R.; Paganelli, A., L'impatto dei criteri di priorità per gli accessi alla diagnostica ambulatoriale, in: FIORENTINI G., I servizi sanitari in Italia. 2004, BOLOGNA, Il Mulino, 2004, pp. 119 - 135 [Chapter or essay]
MAZZAFERRO C.; TOSO S., L'accumulazione della ricchezza e i rapporti tra generazioni, in: La ricchezza dell'equità., BOLOGNA, Il Mulino, 2004, pp. 173 - 205 [Chapter or essay]
Bagliano, F. C.; Golinelli, Roberto; Morana, C., Inflation modelling in the euro area, in: BEETSMA R.; FAVERO C.A.; MISSALE A.; MUSCATELLI V.A.; NATALE P.; TIRELLI P., Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policies and Labour Markets. Macroeconomic Policy Making in the EMU, CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. 59 - 87 [Chapter or essay]
Santarelli, Enrico; Figini, Paolo, Does Globalization Reduce Poverty? Some Empirical Evidence for the Developing Countries, in: Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction, HOUNDMILLS, BASINGSTOKE, Palgrave_Macmillan, 2004, pp. 247 - 303 [Chapter or essay]
Cavaliere, Giuseppe; Costa, Michele; Iezzi, S., The role of the normal distribution in financial markets, in: VICHI M.; MONARI P.; MIGNANI S.; MONTANARI A., New developments in classification and data analysis, BERLIN, SPRINGER, 2004, pp. 343 - 350 (studies in classification, data analysis and knpwledge organization) [Chapter or essay]
ANDERGASSEN R.; A. REGGIANI; P. NIJKAMP, Firm dynamics and self-organised criticality, in: H.L.F. DE GROOT; P. NIJKAMP; R.R. STOUGH, Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development, CHELTENHAM, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004, pp. 292 - 314 [Chapter or essay]
BELLETTINI G.; BERTI CERONI C., Compulsory schooling laws and the cure for child labour, «BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH», 2004, 56(3), pp. 227 - 239 [Scientific article]
BENASSI C.; A.CHIRCO, Income Distribution, Price Elasticity, and the 'Robinson Effect', «MANCHESTER SCHOOL», 2004, 72, pp. 591 - 600 [Scientific article]
Barigozzi, Francesca, Reimbursing Preventive Care, «GENEVA PAPERS ON RISK AND INSURANCE.THEORY», 2004, 29, pp. 165 - 186 [Scientific article]
Costa, Michele; Iezzi, Stefano, Technology spillover and regional convergence process: a statistical analysis of the Italian case, «STATISTICAL METHODS & APPLICATIONS», 2004, 13, pp. 375 - 398 [Scientific article]
Cavaliere, Giuseppe, Testing stationarity under a permanent variance shift, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2004, 82, pp. 403 - 408 [Scientific article]
Cavaliere, Giuseppe, Unit root tests under time-varying variances, «ECONOMETRIC REVIEWS», 2004, 23, pp. 259 - 292 [Scientific article]
Fiorentini, Gianluca, Tutela del pluralismo, intervento pubblico nei servizi alla persona e alla comunità e il ruolo delle fondazioni di origine bancaria, «MERCATO CONCORRENZA REGOLE», 2004, 1, pp. 239 - 284 [Scientific article]
UGOLINI C.; NOBILIO L., Risk Adjustment for CABG surgery: an administrative approach versus Euroscore, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE», 2004, 16, pp. 157 - 164 [Scientific article]