All publications
All publications since 2004
A. Naghavi, Green Trade Liberalization, «THE BOLOGNA CENTER JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS», 2008, Fall, pp. 33 - 44 [Scientific article]
Scorcu A.E., L'esperienza dinamica del Portafoglio Clienti. Criticità e analisi, in: Atti del 31° convegno regionale della cooperazione di credito, s.l, s.n, 2008, pp. 67 - 83 [Chapter or essay]
L.Marattin, Private and Public Consumption and Counter-Cyclical Fiscal Policy, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS», 2008, 2, pp. 55 - 81 [Scientific article]
Brighi P.; Scorcu A., Risk Sharing and the Banking Channel. An Empirical Note about Regional Interest Rates in Italy, Bologna, CIB. Università degli Studi, Bologna. Alma Mater Studiorum, 2008, pp. 23 (AMS ACTA). [Research monograph]
Barbara, Luppi; Massimiliano, Marzo; Antonello, E. Scorcu, Credit risk and Basel II: Are non-profit firms financially different?, «APPLIED FINANCIAL ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2008, 4, pp. 199 - 203 [Scientific article]
Georgiev, Iliyan, Asymptotics for cointegrated processes with infrequent stochastic level shifts and outliers, «ECONOMETRIC THEORY», 2008, 24, pp. 587 - 615 [Scientific article]
Aspachs Bracons, Oriol; Clots Figueras, Irma; Costa Font, Joan; Masella, Paolo, Compulsory language educational policies and identity formation, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2008, 6, pp. 434 - 444 [Scientific article]
Camera, Gabriele*; Li, Yiting, Another example of a credit system that co-exists with money, «JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING», 2008, 40, pp. 1295 - 1308 [Scientific article]
Aliprantis, C.D.*; Camera, G.; Ruscitti, F., Interior optima and the Inada conditions, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2008, 99, pp. 293 - 297 [Scientific article]
Carriero A, A simple test of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2008, 100, pp. 241 - 244 [Scientific article]
E. Bacchiocchi; M. Florio, Privatisation and aggregate output : testing for macroeconomic transmission channels, «EMPIRICA», 2008, 35, pp. 525 - 545 [Scientific article]
Kiewiet DR; Mattozzi A, Voter Rationality and Democratic Government, «CRITICAL REVIEW», 2008, 20, pp. 313 - 326 [Scientific article]
Mattozzi A, Can We Insure Against Political Uncertainty? Evidence from the US Stock Market, «PUBLIC CHOICE», 2008, 137, pp. 43 - 55 [Scientific article]
Mattozzi A; Merlo A, Political Careers or Career Politicians?, «JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS», 2008, 92, pp. 597 - 608 [Scientific article]
Iaryczower M; Mattozzi A, Many Enemies, Much Honor? On the Competitiveness of Elections in Proportional Representation Systems, in: The Political Economy of Democracy, - ESP, Enriqueta Aragones, Carmen Beviá, Humberto Llavador, Norman Schofield, 2008, pp. 63 - 77 [Chapter or essay]
Jonathan Chapman, Gavan Conlon, Patrice Muller, An Economic Impact Assessment of the CCPMO, London, CCPMO, 2008, pp. 52 . [Research monograph]
Gonzalez-Eiras M.; Niepelt D., The future of social security, «JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS», 2008, 55, pp. 197 - 218 [Scientific article]
Gonzalez-Eiras, Martin; Rossi, Mart('i)n, The Impact of Electricity Sector Privatization on Public Health, in: Privatization for the Public Good?, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2008, pp. 43 - 63 [Chapter or essay]
Kaplan, David; Lacetera, Nicola; Kaplan, Celia, Sample Size and Precision in NIH Peer Review, «PLOS ONE», 2008, 3, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article]
Cellini R. ; Lambertini L., A Differential Oligopoly Game with Differentiated Goods and Sticky Prices, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2007, 176, pp. 1131 - 1144 [Scientific article]