All publications
All publications since 2004
A. Naghavi; G. Ottaviano, Outsourcing, Complementary Innovations and Growth, «INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE», 2010, 19, pp. 1009 - 1035 [Scientific article]
A. Naghavi; D. Leahy, Intellectual Property Rights and Entry into a Foreign Market: FDI vs. Joint Ventures, «REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS», 2010, 18, pp. 633 - 649 [Scientific article]
E. Agliardi; R. Agliardi, Defaultable bonds under imprecise information, in: Lecture Notes in Management Science, Vol. 2, TURKU, IAMSR, Åbo Akademy University, 2010, pp. 431 - 438 (LNms) [Chapter or essay]
V. Zamagni; P. Battilani, Cooperatives (1951-2001), in: Forms of Enterprise in 20th Century Italy. Boundaries, Structures and Strategies, CHELTENHAM, Elgar, 2010, pp. 273 - 293 [Chapter or essay]
G. Bulligan ; R. Golinelli; G. Parigi, Forecasting Monthly Industrial Production in Real-Time: From Single Equations to Factor-Based Models, «EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS», 2010, 39(2), pp. 303 - 336 [Scientific article]
M. E. Bontempi; C. Lucarelli; C. Mazzoli; A. G. Quaranta, Reaction of the Italian Stock Exchange to Exogenous and Endogenous Events, «JOURNAL OF EMERGING MARKETS», 2010, 15(1), pp. 23 - 37 [Scientific article]
A. Fedele; A. Mantovani, The importance of being consulted, «ANNALS OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE», 2010, 11, pp. 231 - 245 [Scientific article]
G Cavaliere; A Rahbek; AMR Taylor, Cointegration rank testing under conditional heteroskedasticity, «ECONOMETRIC THEORY», 2010, 26, pp. 1719 - 1760 [Scientific article]
G Cavaliere; A Rahbek; AMR Taylor, Determination of the Number of Common Stochastic Trends under Conditional Heteroskedasticity, «ESTUDIOS DE ECONOMÍA APLICADA», 2010, 28-3, pp. 519 - 552 [Scientific article]
E. Santarelli; R. Piergiovanni, Una verifica della legge di Gibrat, in: Crescere per competere. Le piccole e medie imprese in un mondo globale, MILANO-TORINO, Pearson Italia (Bruno Mondadori), 2010, pp. 125 - 152 [Chapter or essay]
Agliardi E., Reviewing Bank Regulatory Objectives under Uncertainty, «STUDI ECONOMICI», 2010, 100, pp. 19 - 39 [Scientific article]
Vincenzo Denicolò; Luigi A. Franzoni, On the Winner-Take-All Principle in Innovation Races, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2010, 8, pp. 1133 - 1158 [Scientific article]
Figini P.; Castellani M.; Vici L., The Externalities between Tourists and Residents: a Study of Rimini Using Discrete Choice Models., in: Tourism and the Environment, CHELTENHAM, Edward Elgar, 2010, pp. 433 - 458 (Economics and Management of Tourism) [Chapter or essay]
Candela G.; Figini P., Destination Unknown. Is there any Economics beyond Tourism Areas?, «THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS ANALYSIS», 2010, 2, pp. 256 - 271 [Scientific article] Open Access
F. Fauri, Il Piano Marshall e l'Italia, BOLOGNA, Il Mulino, 2010, pp. 283 (Saggi). [Research monograph]
F. Fauri, From financial aid to nationalization: the history of the Fondo Industria Meccanica (FIM), «ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR UNTERNEHMENSGESCHICHTE», 2010, 2, pp. 161 - 179 [Scientific article]
F. Fauri, Big business and Italian industrial policies after World War II, in: Forms of Enterprise in 20th Century Italy. Boundaries, Structures and Strategies, CHELTENHAM, Edward Elgar, 2010, pp. 112 - 131 [Chapter or essay]
F. Fauri, I tentativi di integrazione economica europea sulla scia dei successi dello Zollverein, in: Culture economiche e scelte politiche nella costruzione europea, BARI, Cacucci Editore, 2010, pp. 3 - 22 [Chapter or essay]
F. Fauri, La special relationship Fiat - Chrysler dall’accordo del 10 aprile 1947 a quello del 30 aprile 2009, «ITALIA CONTEMPORANEA», 2010, 258, pp. 57 - 72 [Scientific article]