All publications
All publications since 2004
Maselko Joanna; Sikander Siham; Turner Elizabeth L; Bates Lisa M; Ahmad Ikhlaq; Atif Najia; Baranov Victoria; Bhalotra Sonia; Bibi Amina; Bibi Tayyaba; Bilal Samina; Biroli P; Chung Esther; Gallis John A; Hagaman Ashley; Jamil Anam; LeMasters Katherine; O'Donnell Karen; Scherer Elissa; Sharif Maria; Waqas Ahmed; Zaidi Ahmed; Zulfiqar Shaffaq; Rahman Atif, Effectiveness of a peer-delivered, psychosocial intervention on maternal depression and child development at 3 years postnatal: a cluster randomised trial in Pakistan, «THE LANCET. PSYCHIATRY», 2020, 7, pp. 775 - 787 [Scientific article] Open Access
Baranov V; Bhalotra S; Biroli P; Maselko J, Maternal Depression, Women's Empowerment, and Parental Investment: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial, «THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2020, 110, pp. 824 - 859 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chao M.; Chapman J., Saving face through preference signaling and obligation avoidance, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2020, 176, pp. 569 - 581 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chon K.; Park E.; Zoltan J., The Asian Paradigm in Hospitality and Tourism, «JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY & TOURISM RESEARCH», 2020, 44, pp. 1183 - 1202 [Scientific article] Open Access
Inversini A.; De Carlo M.; Masiero L., The effects of customer-centricity in hospitality, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT», 2020, 86, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article] Open Access
Masiero L.; Qiu R.T.R.; Zoltan J., Long-Haul Tourist Preferences for Stopover Destination Visits, «JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH», 2020, 59, pp. 811 - 827 [Scientific article] Open Access
Masiero L.; Viglia G.; Nieto-Garcia M., Strategic consumer behavior in online hotel booking, «ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH», 2020, 83, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article] Open Access
A. Evangelista, F. Porcelli, A. Zanardi, Criticità finanziarie e insufficienza di risorse nei comuni italiani, in: Rapporto Ca’ Foscari sui Comuni 2020, Roma, Castelvecchi, 2020, pp. 539 - 556 [Chapter or essay]
Lambertini, L., On the coordination of static and dynamic marketing channels in a duopoly with advertising, in: International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, 233 SPRING STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10013, UNITED STATES, Springer New York LLC, 2020, pp. 57 - 73 (INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Gonzalez-Eiras, M.; Niepelt, D., Dynamic tax externalities and the U.S. fiscal transformation, «JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS», 2020, 114, pp. 144 - 158 [Scientific article] Open Access
Martin Gonzalez-Eiras; Dirk Niepelt, On the optimal 'lockdown' during an epidemic, «COVID ECONOMICS», 2020, 1, pp. 72 - 91 [Scientific article]
Messori L.; Orsini R., John Bates Clark’s view on the Treaty of Versailles as the origin of both World War II and the idea of a European Union, «HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT AND POLICY», 2020, 9, pp. 131 - 150 [Scientific article]
Benedetto, G; Hix, S; Mastrorocco, N, The Rise and Fall of Social Democracy, 1918-2017, «AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW», 2020, 114, pp. 928 - 939 [Scientific article] Open Access
Chassonnery-Zaigouche C., How economists entered the 'numbers game': Measuring discrimination in the us courtrooms, 1971-1989, «JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT», 2020, 42, pp. 229 - 259 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cleo Chassonnery-Zaigouche, Race in the History of Economics: The Missing Narratives?, «OECONOMIA», 2020, 10, pp. 333 - 349 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cleo Chassonnery-Zaigouche; Beatrice Cherrier; John D. Singleton, ‘Out in the open’ controversy: Economists’ Perspectives on the First Gender Reckoning in Economics, in: Women in Economics, London, CEPR, 2020, pp. 36 - 40 [Chapter or essay]
Cleo Chassonnery-Zaigouche; Leontine Goldzahl; Charlotte Levionnois, Quantifier les inégalités entre données d’enquête et données expérimentales: l’évolution du rôle du chercheur dans la construction de la variable "race", in: ’évidence et l’invisible: questions de méthodes en histoire et en économie, Paris, Presses universitaires de la Sorbonne, 2020, pp. 72 - 97 [Chapter or essay]
Fabio Bacchini, Roberto Golinelli, Cecilia Jona-Lasinio,Davide Zurlo, Modelling public and private investment in innovation, roma, growinpro working paper, 2020, pp. 19 . [Research monograph]
Cristina Specchi, Introducing a European Education Income for a cross-class Higher Education, in: Bologna Process Beyond 2020: Fundamental values of the EHEA, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2020, pp. 291 - 296 [Chapter or essay]
Daniela Amicizia; Filippo Ansaldi; Marta Giachello; Walter Locatelli; Chiara Paganino; Maria Francesca Piazza; Federico Tassinari; Angela Testi; Cecilia Trucchi, Attivazione della rete Breast unit in Liguria: una prima valutazione di impatto, «POLITICHE SANITARIE», 2020, 21, pp. 52 - 64 [Scientific article]