All publications
All publications since 2004
Flavio Delbono, La diseguaglianza nel terzo millennio, «NUOVA SECONDARIA», 2017, 34, pp. 69 - 73 [Scientific article]
Flavio Delbono, Libertà individuali e intervento pubblico, «NUOVA SECONDARIA», 2017, 34, pp. 3 - 5 [Scientific article]
Campiglio E; Godin A; Kemp-Benedict E; Matikainen S., The tightening links between financial systems and environmental issues, in: Economic Policies since the Global Financial Crisis, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, pp. 313 - 356 [Chapter or essay]
Campiglio E; Godin A; Kemp-Benedict E, Networks of stranded assets: A case for a balance sheet approach, «PAPIERS DE RECHERCHE», 2017, 2017-54, pp. 1 - 26 [Comment or similar]
Bowen A; Campiglio E; Martinez SH, An 'equal effort' approach to assessing the North-South climate finance gap, «CLIMATE POLICY», 2017, 17, pp. 231 - 245 [Scientific article] Open Access
E. Bacchiocchi, On the Identification of Interdependence and Contagion of Financial Crises, «OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS», 2017, 79, pp. 1148 - 1175 [Scientific article]
Introvigne Sabina; E. Bacchiocchi; D. Vandone, A cointegration analysis of wine stock indexes, «RISK GOVERNANCE & CONTROL: FINANCIAL MARKETS & INSTITUTIONS», 2017, 7, pp. 178 - 188 [Scientific article]
Guglielmo Barone; Anna Laura Mancini; Giuliana Palumbo, Le prestazioni nei servizi pubblici: una rassegna, in: Lavoro pubblico fuori dal tunnel?, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017, pp. 163 - 182 [Chapter or essay]
Saia A., Choosing the open sea: The cost to the UK of staying out of the euro, «JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS», 2017, 108, pp. 82 - 98 [Scientific article]
Falagiarda M.; Saia A., Credit, Endogenous Collateral and Risky Assets: A DSGE Model, «INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE», 2017, 49, pp. 125 - 148 [Scientific article]
Groes, Fane; Iorio, Daniela; Leung, Man Yee Mallory; Santaeulalia-Llopis, Raül, Educational Disparities in the Battle Against Infertility:Evidence from IVF Success, Fiesole, European University Institute, 2017, pp. 42 (EUI WORKING PAPERS ECO). [Research monograph]
Giorgio Bellettini; Carlotta Berti Ceroni; Chiara Monfardini, Ethnic Diversity and Political Participation: The Role of Individual Income, in: Cesifo Working Paper no. 6772, Monaco di Baviera, Ifo Institute, 2017, pp. 1 - 47 (CESIFO WORKING PAPERS) [Chapter or essay]
De Nardi, Mariacristina; Fella, Giulio, Saving and wealth inequality, «REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS», 2017, 26, pp. 280 - 300 [Scientific article]
Ashley Craig, Ellen Garbarino, Stephanie Heger, Robert Slonim, Waiting To Give: Stated and Revealed Preferences, «MANAGEMENT SCIENCE», 2017, 63.1, pp. 3672 - 3690 [Scientific article]
Massari Filippo, Markets with heterogeneous beliefs: A necessary and sufficient condition for a trader to vanish, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL», 2017, 78, pp. 190 - 205 [Scientific article]
Liang S.; Schuckert M.; Law R.; Masiero L., The relevance of mobile tourism and information technology: an analysis of recent trends and future research directions, «JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING», 2017, 34, pp. 732 - 748 [Scientific article]
Nicolau J.L.; Masiero L., Determinants of advanced booking, «ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH», 2017, 67, pp. 78 - 82 [Scientific article]
De Cao E; Huis M.; Jemaneh S.; Lensink R., Community conversations as a strategy to change harmful traditional practices against women, «APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2017, 24, pp. 72 - 74 [Scientific article]
Manasse P.; Katsikas D., Preface and acknowledgements, in: Economic Crisis and Structural Reforms in Southern Europe: Policy Lessons, Washington, D.C., USA, Taylor and Francis, 2017, pp. 15 - 16 [Preface]
Chassonnery-Zaigouche C.; Larrouy L., “From warfare to welfare”: Contextualising Arrow and Schelling's models of racial inequalities (1968–1972), «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT», 2017, 24, pp. 1355 - 1387 [Scientific article]