All publications
All publications since 2004
Lambertini, Luca*, Green Innovation and Market Power, «ANNUAL REVIEW OF RESOURCE ECONOMICS», 2017, 9, pp. 231 - 252 [Scientific article]
Lambertini, Luca*; Orsini, Raimondello; Palestini, Arsen, On the instability of the R&D portfolio in a dynamic monopoly. Or, one cannot get two eggs in one basket, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS», 2017, 193, pp. 703 - 712 [Scientific article]
Kopel, Michael; Ressi, Anna; Lambertini, Luca, Capturing Direct and Cross Price Effects in a Differentiated Products Duopoly Model, «MANCHESTER SCHOOL», 2017, 85, pp. 282 - 294 [Scientific article]
Luca Lambertini, An Economic Theory of Managerial Firms: Strategic Delegation in Oligopoly, Londra, Routledge, 2017, pp. 231 . [Research monograph]
Cervellati, Matteo; Sunde, Uwe; (a cura di): Matteo Cervellati, Francesco Cinnirella, David de la Croix, Carl-Johann Dalgaard, Matthias Doepke, Elena Esposito, Davide Fiaschi, Tamara Fioroni, Oded Galor, Boris Gershman, Erik Hornung, Fabian Kindermann, Nils-Petter Lagerlöf, Holger Strulik, Uwe Sunde, David N. Weil, Demographic Change and Long-Run Development, Cambridge Massachusetts, MIT Press, 2017, pp. 354 . [Editorship]
Franzoni, Luigi Alberto*, Liability law under scientific uncertainty, «AMERICAN LAW AND ECONOMICS REVIEW», 2017, 19, pp. 327 - 360 [Scientific article]
Galeotti, Fabio; Kline, Reuben; Orsini, Raimondello*, When foul play seems fair: Exploring the link between just deserts and honesty, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2017, 142, pp. 451 - 467 [Scientific article] Open Access
Michele Costa, The evaluation of the inequality between population subgroups, in: SIS 2017. Statistics and data science: new challenges, new generations., Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2017, pp. 313 - 318 (atti di: SIS 2017. Statistics and data science: new challenges, new generations., Firenze, 28-30 giugno 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Renata Bottazzi; Serena Trucchi; Matthew Wakefield, Labour Supply Responses to Financial Wealth Shocks: Evidence from in Italy, «IFS WORKING PAPERS», 2017, W17, pp. 1 - 30 [Scientific article] Open Access
Cervellati, Matteo; Sunde, Uwe, The Demographic Transition and Long-Run Development, in: Demographic Change and Long-Run Development, Cambridge Massachusetts, MIT Press, 2017, pp. 1 - 28 [Chapter or essay]
Carboni, Mauro, Disciplinare, premiare, punire: strategie per il "buon governo" del Monte di Bologna fra XVI e XVIII secolo., in: Storie di frodi. Intacchi, malversazioni e furti nei Monti di pietà e negli istituti caritatevoli tra Medioevo ed Età moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017, pp. 293 - 309 [Chapter or essay]
Battilani P, Curci F, Randon E, Stimolare l'uso imprenditoriale delle seconde case integrando misure fiscali e regolamentari e costruendo una memoria storica sull'abusivismo, in: Territori dell'abusivismo, Roma, Donzelli, 2017, pp. 313 - 324 [Chapter or essay]
Toso Stefano, Il tema della condizionalità: principi e ipotesi in campo, «ITALIANIEUROPEI», 2017, n. 2, pp. 115 - 121 [Scientific article]
Toso Stefano, Previdenza e assistenza, in: La finanza pubblica italiana. Rapporto 2017, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017, pp. 103 - 130 [Chapter or essay]
Luca Migliori, Anna Montini, Massimo Paganelli, Danilo Ronchi, Eugenia Rossi Di Schio, The Sea Bathing Safeguard Plan in Rimini, in: 16th international conference on sustainable energy technologies, 2017, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: SET2017 ' 1gth international sonference on sustainable energy technologies, Bologna, Italy, 17-20 luglio 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Bontempi M. E., Discussion to 'Il modello di microsimulazione delle imprese dell'Istat', in: ISTAT, Atti della 12° Conferenza nazionale di statistica, Roma, 22-24 giugno 2016, 2017, pp. 348 - 351 (atti di: Più forza ai dati: un valore per il Paese. Atti della Dodicesima Conferenza nazionale di statistica, Roma, 22-24 giugno 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
W. Brock; A. Xepapadeas, Climate change policy under polar amplification, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2017, 99, pp. 93 - 112 [Scientific article]
Grass, Dieter; Xepapadeas, Anastasios; de Zeeuw, Aart, Optimal Management of Ecosystem Services with Pollution Traps: The Lake Model Revisited, «JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMISTS», 2017, 4, pp. 1121 - 1154 [Scientific article]
camera gabriele, A perspective on electronic alternatives to traditional currencies, «SVERIGES RIKSBANK ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2017, 1, pp. 126 - 148 [Scientific article]
Gosnell, Greer; Tavoni, Alessandro*, A bargaining experiment on heterogeneity and side deals in climate negotiations, «CLIMATIC CHANGE», 2017, 142, pp. 575 - 586 [Scientific article]