All publications
All publications since 2004
Cervellati, Matteo; Esposito, Elena; Sunde, Uwe, LONG-TERM EXPOSURE to MALARIA and DEVELOPMENT: DISAGGREGATE EVIDENCE for CONTEMPORANEOUS AFRICA, «JOURNAL OF DEMOGRAPHIC ECONOMICS», 2017, 83, pp. 129 - 148 [Scientific article]
Cervellati, Matteo; Sunde, Uwe; Zimmermann, Klaus F., Demographic dynamics and long-run development: insights for the secular stagnation debate, «JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS», 2017, 30, pp. 401 - 432 [Scientific article]
Cervellati, Matteo; Sunde, Uwe; Valmori, Simona, Pathogens, Weather Shocks, and Civil Conflicts, «ECONOMIC JOURNAL», 2017, 127, pp. 2581 - 2616 [Scientific article] Open Access
Andrea, Mantovani; Ornella, Tarola; Cecilia, Vergari, End-of-pipe or cleaner production? How to go green in presence of income inequality and pro-environmental behavior, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2017, 160, pp. 71 - 82 [Scientific article]
Boca, Daniela Del; Monfardini, Chiara; Nicoletti, Cheti, Parental and child time investments and the cognitive development of adolescents, «JOURNAL OF LABOR ECONOMICS», 2017, 35, pp. 565 - 608 [Scientific article] Open Access
Corrado Benassi; Marcella Scrimitore, Income Distribution in Network Markets, «JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY, COMPETITION AND TRADE», 2017, 17, pp. 251 - 271 [Scientific article]
Bucciol, Alessandro; Miniaci, Raffaele; Pastorello, Sergio, Return expectations and risk aversion heterogeneity in household portfolios, «JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL FINANCE», 2017, 40, pp. 201 - 219 [Scientific article] Open Access
Fanelli, Luca; Sorge, Marco M., Indeterminate forecast accuracy under indeterminacy, «JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS», 2017, 53, pp. 57 - 70 [Scientific article] Open Access
Carboni, Mauro, Fra etica e affari. Un nuovo modello di credito su pegno: i Monti di pietà, in: Storia economica e storia degli ebrei. Istituzione, capitale sociale e stereotipi (secc. XV-XVIII), Milano, Franco Angeli, 2017, pp. 155 - 170 [Chapter or essay]
Minniti, Antonio; Venturini, Francesco, R&D policy, productivity growth and distance to frontier, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2017, 156, pp. 92 - 94 [Scientific article]
Bagnaresi, Davide; Barbini, Francesco Maria; Battilani, Patrizia, Il cambiamento organizzativo nella storia degli Hotel di Rimini, «PICCOLA IMPRESA», 2017, 1, pp. 32 - 63 [Scientific article]
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci; Guerriero, Carmine, A novel dataset on horizontal property rights in 126 jurisdictions, «DATA IN BRIEF», 2017, 11, pp. 557 - 561 [Scientific article] Open Access
Lippi Bruni, Matteo; Mammi, Irene, Spatial effects in hospital expenditures: a district level analysis, «HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2017, 26, pp. 63 - 77 [Scientific article] Open Access
Barigozzi, F.; Cremer, H.; Kerstin, Roeder, Caregivers in the family: daughters, sons and social norms, Bologna, Dipartimento Scienze Economiche - Università di Bologna, 2017, pp. 30 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE). [Research monograph] Open Access
Camille, Lecompte; Giacomo, Benati, Nonadministrative Documents from Archaic Ur and from Early Dynastic I–II Mesopotamia: A New Textual and Archaeological Analysis, «JOURNAL OF CUNEIFORM STUDIES», 2017, 69, pp. 3 - 32 [Scientific article]
Bigoni, Maria; Bortolotti, Stefania; Parisi, Francesco; Porat, Ariel, Unbundling Efficient Breach: An Experiment, «JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUDIES», 2017, 14, pp. 527 - 547 [Scientific article] Open Access
Paolucci, Francesco; Redekop, Ken; Fouda, Ayman; Fiorentini, Gianluca, Decision Making and Priority Setting: The Evolving Path Towards Universal Health Coverage, «APPLIED HEALTH ECONOMICS AND HEALTH POLICY», 2017, 15, pp. 697 - 706 [Scientific article]
Fornasari, Massimo, La banca, la borsa, lo Stato Una storia della finanza (secoli XIII - XXI), Torino, G. GIAPPICHELLI, 2017, pp. 216 . [Research monograph]
Barigozzi, F.; Manna, E., Envy in Mission-Oriented Organizations, Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Universita di Bologna, 2017, pp. 47 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE). [Research monograph] Open Access
Georgiev, Iliyan; Rodrigues, Paulo M. M.; Robert Taylor, A. M., Unit Root Tests and Heavy-Tailed Innovations, «JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS», 2017, 38, pp. 733 - 768 [Scientific article]