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All publications since 2004
F.Fauri, L'integrazione prematura. Le relazioni economiche europee dalla metà dell'Ottocento alla Grande Guerra, BOLOGNA, CLUEB, 2005, pp. 144 (European Progress). [Research monograph]
Candela G.; Figini P., Economia dei sistemi turistici, MILANO, McGraw-Hill, 2005, pp. 280 . [Research monograph]
M. Mazzanti; A. Montini, The Determinants of Residential Water Demand. Empirical evidence for a panel of Italian municipalities, 2005. [Research monograph]
Fort M., Education and the Timing of Births: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Italy, COLCHESTER, Institute for Social and Economic Research, 2005, pp. 53 (ISER Working Paper Series). [Research monograph]