
8 Mar 2021

Career guidance and work

Introduzione all'Economia

YouTube channel of the Department of Economics

Lesson 8: "Economia Sperimentale: come valutare gli interventi dello Stato e delle ONG?" - Prof.ssa Stefania Bortolotti

3 Mar 2021


Internal Seminar: Alessandro Saia

Microsoft Teams

Title: "Reconciliation Narratives - The Birth of a Nation after the US Civil War"

2 Mar 2021


WiP Seminar: Vito Stefano Bramante

Microsoft Teams

Title: "Recommender systems and job search"

2 Mar 2021


Research Seminar: Offer Lieberman


Title: "Local Stochastic Unit Roots - Theory and Applications"

1 Mar 2021

Career guidance and work

Introduzione all'Economia

YouTube channel of the Department of Economics

Lesson 7: "Il potere delle piattaforme digitali" - Prof.ssa Elena Argentesi

24 Feb 2021


Internal Seminar: Christian Peukert (Visiting HEC Lausanne)

Microsoft Teams

Title: "The Editor and the Algorithm: Returns to Data and Externalities in Online News"

23 Feb 2021


WiP Seminar: Francesco Alosa

Microsoft Teams

Title: "Optimal Taxation with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences"

22 Feb 2021

Career guidance and work

Introduzione all'Economia

YouTube Channel of the Department of Economics

Lezione 6: "La diseguaglianza nelle economie capitalistiche contemporanee" - Prof. Stefano Toso

17 Feb 2021


Internal Seminar: Yuki Takahashi

Microsoft Teams

Title: "Gender differences in the cost of contradiction"

15 Feb 2021

Career guidance and work

Introduzione all'Economia

YouTube Channel of the Department of Economics

Lezione 5: "Pandemie, epidemie e crescita economica" - Prof.ssa Patrizia Battilani

10 Feb 2021


Junior Research Seminar: Davide Alonzo (University of British Columbia)

Microsoft Teams

Title: "Marrying your Job: Matching and Mobility with Geographic Heterogeneity"

10 Feb 2021


Internal Seminar: Francesca Barigozzi

Microsoft Teams

Title: "Gender wage and longevity gaps and the design of retirement systems"