International research workshop on Social and Cooperative Economy

Organized in collaboration with CIRIEC International and Fondazione Ivano Barberini

  • Date: 09 June 2022 from 10:00 to 17:10

  • Event location: Fondazione Ivano Barberini - Via Mentana, 2, 40126 Bologna

We are happy to invite you to participate in the International research workshop on Social and Cooperative Economy, organized by the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna, in collaboration with CIRIEC International and Fondazione Ivano Barberini.  The workshop will be held in presence in Bologna at the Fondazione Ivano Barberini (Via Mentana 2, Bologna, 5 minutes’ walk from the School of Economics and Management of the University of Bologna).


  • 10.00 _ Welcome address 
  • 10:15 _ E. Tortia (University of Trento), “Finance, Property Rights and Productivity in Italian Worker and Social Cooperatives”
  • 10:45 _ S. Boscarello (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), “Historical trajectories of cooperative innovation. Pieces of evidence from the 19th-century globalization”
  • 11:15 _ A.Cori (Research Institute, Legacoop), “Mapping Workers’ Buyout in Italy”
  • 11:45 _ Coffee break
  • 12:15 _ Guest speaker: G. Burdin (University of Leeds), “Effort Provision in Cooperatives: Evidence from Worker Absences" 
  • 13:00 _ Lunch break (between 14.00 and 15.00, participants are invited to discuss about future initiatives of Ciriec Italy)
  • 15:00 _ G.Cia (Polytechnic of Milan), “Sociabilità: generare valore sociale nell’abitare e nelle prospettive di rigenerazione urbana”
  • 15:30 _ E.Fontanari (Euricse),  “L’economia sociale in Italia: dimensioni ed evoluzione”
  • 16:00 _ J.Sforzi (Euricse), “Comunità Intraprendenti. Alla ricerca di nuove pratiche di trasformazione sociale”

  • 16:30 _ G.Tallarini (Euricse), Work integration social enterprises in Europe: insights from the B-WISE project”
  • 17:00 _ Closing remarks


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