Internal Seminar: Giovanni Prarolo

Title: "Curse or Blessing? Multinational Corporations and Labor Supply in Africa"

  • Date: 09 November 2022 from 13:00 to 14:00

  • Event location: Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 + Microsoft Teams Meeting


Do multinational enterprises create local job opportunities in developing countries? We address this largely unanswered question by combining geolocalised individual-level data with information on domestic and foreign multinationals’ affiliates in Sub-Saharan Africa over more than a decade. Having a multinational’s affiliate within walking distance correlates with an increase in employment of +4.3% with respect to the sample mean. Multinationals’ activity is correlated with higher off–farm and lower on–farm employment (+13% and -7%, respectively), a result driven by affiliates of foreign companies. Female employment and “good jobs” increase around affiliates, but only when they are part of foreign groups.