IDEE Meeting

Title: "From personal gender attitudes to social norms on gender"

  • Date: 19 January 2022 from 14:00 to 15:00

  • Event location: Room 5 - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 & Microsoft Teams


2 - 2.30 pm _ Natalia Montinari (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna): From personal gender attitudes to social norms on gender.

2.30 - 3 pm _ Organizational meeting of the research group of experimental and behavioural economics (Bologna faculty members only).


Coordination games allow to elicit social norms as people’s beliefs about others’ beliefs. Representative surveys like the World Values Survey elicit instead personal attitudes and values that are independent of others' beliefs. We compare the two ways of measuring social norms in the case of gender norms and obtain the following results. First, a large majority of people report personal attitudes more progressive than the perceived norm, which may be consistent with both a desirability and a self-image bias. Hence, personal attitudes lead to a proxy of gender norms more progressive than the norms elicited in coordination games. Second, misperception of gender norms is pervasive and negatively associated with the personality trait “consciousness”.