REStud Tour 2017 - The Review of Economic Studies May Meetings
Aula Giorgio Prodi - Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2
The Review of Economic Studies May Meetings have been held annually in May since 1989. Every year, in line with the Review’s tradition of encouraging the work of young economists, eight of the most promising graduating doctoral students in economics and finance in the world are selected to present their research to audiences in Europe. The meetings take place at the economics departments or institutes of three or four universities across Europe. Standard seminar presentations are given over two days to audiences invited by the local hosts and which include members of the journal’s editorial board. This year the meetings will take place at the following institutions: Institut für Mikroökonomik - Universität Bonn, Department of Economics - University of Bologna, University of Southampton.
First DSE-NOMISMA lecture on the European Economy
Sala Incontri Nomisma - Palazzo Davia Bargellini - First floor Strada Maggiore 44, Bologna
The future of the Euro - Paul De Grauwe, John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy | London School of Economics
Internal seminar - Economic incentives and gender identity - Andrea Ichino
Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)
Research seminar - Competition and Welfare Consequences of Information Websites - Amedeo Piolatto (University of Barcelona)
Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)
8 incontro - corso Licei Economico-Sociali
aula da definire
Research seminar - The Effect of Retirement on Cognitive Decline: Evidence from the Abolition of the Marriage Bar in Ireland - Irene Mosca (Trinity College Dublin)
Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)
Internal seminar - Parental monetary investment and child capability formation - Anh Nguyet Tran Thi
Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)
Research seminar - Globalization and Political Structure - Gino Gancia (CREi)
Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)
Valutazione di politiche pubbliche - 9 incontro del minicorso di economia per gli studenti delle scuole superiori
Aula I di Statistica Via Belle Arti, 41 – piano terra
Research seminar - Some Recent Developments on Endogenous Spatial Growth Models - Giorgio Fabbri (Aix-Marseille School of Economics)
Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)
Internal seminar - Getting to the Top: Gender Quotas in Multistage Tournaments - Natalia Montinari
Seminar Room (Piazza Scaravilli 2)
Il mercato del lavoro - 8 incontro del minicorso di economia per gli studenti delle scuole superiori
Aula I di Statistica Via Belle Arti, 41 – piano terra