History of economic thought seminar: Cléo Chassonnery
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Title: "Contested Values: Economic Expertise in the Comparable Worth Controversy, USA, 1979-1989"
History of economic thought seminar: Andrej Svorencik
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Title: "The Sidney Siegel Tradition: The Divergence of Behavioral and Experimental Economics at the End of the 1980s"
History of economic thought seminar: Thomas Mueller
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Title: "Optimal pricing: the marginal cost theory put to test"
Internal Seminar: Giulio Zanella
Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 & Microsoft Teams
Title: "Expanding university access: Lessons from the UK experience in 1960-2004" (with Aldo Rustichini and Andrea Ichino)
Presentazioni e incontri
Job Market Talks - David Pace
Microsoft Teams
Title: "Fair Shares and Selective Attention" (with Dianna Amasino and Joël van der Weele)
Presentazioni e incontri
IDEE Meeting
Microsoft Teams Meeting
See the program
WiP Seminar: Alessio Carrozzo Magli
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Title: "Organized crime, confiscation and violence"
Presentazioni e incontri
Job Market Talks - Laura Minu Nowzohour
Microsoft Teams Meeting
Title: “Heard the News? Environmental Policy and Clean Investment” (with Joëlle Noailly and Matthias Van den Heuvel)
Presentazioni e incontri
Open day - Minor "Imparare dai dati"
Microsoft Teams
Presentazione del nuovo percorso di formazione MINOR proposto dai Dipartimenti di Scienze Aziendali, Scienze Economiche, Informatica-Scienza e Ingegneria e Scienze Statistiche dell'Alma Mater
Presentazioni e incontri
IDEE Meeting
Room 5 - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 & Microsoft Teams
"From personal gender attitudes to social norms on gender"
Internal Seminar: Luca Macedoni (Visiting Aarhus University)
Seminar Room - Piazza Scaravilli, 2 & Microsoft Teams
Title: "Large Firms, Consumer Heterogeneity and the Rising Share of Profits" (with Robert C. Feenstra and Mingzhi Xu)