Workshop "The Rise of Political Institutions: the Case of Ancient Societies." with Barry Weingast, Omer Moav, and Carmine Guerriero

  • Data: 20 marzo 2018 dalle 14:00 alle 17:00

  • Luogo: Seminar Room, Strada Maggiore 45, Department of Economics

The Rise of Political Institutions: the Case of Ancient Societies*


Chair: Giacomo Benati (University of Bologna)

14:00 – 15:00

  • Barry Weingast (Stanford University): Is Development Uniquely Modern? Athens on the Doorstep. (with Federica Carugati and Josiah Ober).

15:00 – 16:00

  • Omer Moav (Warwick University): Cereals, Appropriability and Hierarchy. (with Joram Mayshary, Zvika Neeman, and Luigi Pascali).

16:00 – 17:00

  • Carmine Guerriero (University of Bologna): The Rise of Inclusive Political Institutions: Opacity Vs. Time Inconsistency. (with Giacomo Benati and Federico Zaina).

* The event is co-funded by the Department of Economics through its “research seminars series” endowment and by the Department of History and Cultures through the Alma-Idea funded project “The Rise of Political Institutions: the Case of Mesopotamia” (OrEcon).

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